Interface Testing & Json Schema

Describe known data formats; Provide documentation that is legible for both humans and machines; Provide help for data verification in the following scenarios; automated test; Ensure the quality of data submitted by users. The latest Json Schema version is draft 07, released on 2018-03-19, and draft 08 version will be released soon in 2019. Some […]

Interface Testing & Json Schema

Json is a very widely used data exchange format. From front-end to back-end, from web to app, and heterogeneous languages, the interface becomes a bridge, and Json has become the most widely used data exchange format. During the interface development and testing work, in order to verify the correctness of the interface processing, a large […]

PGPostgreSQL Schema

Table of Contents 1 Concept of Schema Relationship between database schema tables The reason for introducing schema Create Schema View Schema Delete Schema 2Public Schema 3 Schema’s Rope Path 4 Schema and permissions 5 System Catalog Schema 6 How to use it (best practices) 7 Portability The concept of 1 Schema A PostgreSQL database cluster […]

Detailed solution to The feature is disabled; see the documentation for show_compatibility_56

Article directory 1. Reproducing the error 2. Analysis errors 3. Solve the problem 1. Reproduction error Today, when using MySQL to query global variables, the following error was reported: mysql> select * from information_schema.global_variables; ERROR 3167 (HY000): The ‘INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_VARIABLES’ feature is disabled; see the documentation for ‘show_compatibility_56’ That is, The ‘INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_VARIABLES’ feature is disabled; see […]


Testing for Session Management Schema ID WSTG-SESS-01 Summary One of the core components of any web-based application is the mechanism by which it controls and maintains the state for a user interacting with it. To avoid continuous authentication for each page of a site or service, web applications implement various mechanisms to store and validate […]


Testing for Bypassing Authorization Schema ID WSTG-ATHZ-02 Summary This kind of test focuses on verifying how the authorization schema has been implemented for each role or privilege to get access to reserved functions and resources. For every specific role the tester holds during the assessment and for every function and request that the application executes […]

Dynamic schema implementation in mybatis-plus 3.4.2 version annotation @TableName

Record the springBoot and MybatisPlus frameworks, Application scenarios: The project databases test_db and app_db use the same mysql instance and are divided into different libraries (table models). In order to reduce complexity, the user of db_data_link is given read-only permissions for the db_ds database, and can query across libraries. The annotation @TableName has the attribute […]