DevChat is an all-in-one AI programming assistant that helps you “overwhelm your friends with one enemy and three scrolls”

What is DevChat and what can it help us with? DevChat is a product of OpenAI, an AI that can conduct programming-related conversations. This means you can use it to solve some programming problems or get advice about programming. You can provide code snippets and ask questions and it will help as much as possible. […]

js to achieve seamless scrolling up, down, left and right

Scroll left <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=”en”> <head> <meta charset=”UTF-8″> <meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”IE=edge”> <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″> <title>Seamless scrolling scroll left</title> <style> * {<!– –> margin: 0; padding: 0; } #wrapper {<!– –> cursor: pointer; width: 600px; height: 200px; border: 1px solid pink; overflow: hidden; display: flex; margin: auto; } .scroll_content {<!– –> display: flex; } […]

Android custom View inertial scrolling effect (without using Scroller)

Foreword: I have seen many inertial scrolling solutions on the Internet, all of which are implemented through Scroller and computeScroll. However, in actual development, there may be some scenarios that are inappropriate, such as coordinated layout, and internal sub-Views have particularly complex linkage effects, which need to be coordinated through offsets. The implementation principle is […]

[h5 uniapp] Scroll scroll bar, data changes accordingly

uniapp project Requirements: When you slide down, the data increases and the calendar title date above also changes. When you slide up, the date in the calendar title above changes accordingly. Implementation ideas: Load the data of the current month and the data of the next month for the first time this.getdate() Bottom loading next […]

p5.js canvas operation practice: create, bind specified elements, dynamically adjust size, hide scroll bars, delete canvas

Article Introduction Previously, I briefly talked about how to use p5.js to create a canvas in “Introduction to p5.js Lightspeed”. This time I will introduce several canvas-related methods provided by p5.js. Related configuration when creating canvas. Lets the canvas bind the specified element. Resets the canvas size. Delete the canvas. Before studying this article, you […]

vue3 implements a scrolling paging loading waterfall flow list

Project framework: vue3 + JS + vite Waterfall framework: vue-waterfall-next Asked chatGPT about useful waterfall flow plug-ins for vue3, and the answer was as follows: For Vue 3, there are a few waterfall plugins available. The following are several commonly used Vue 3 waterfall plug-ins: vue-waterfall-next: This is a waterfall flow plug-in based on Vue […]

Vue exports pdf and the problem that the content outside the scroll bar cannot be obtained during the process

1. First install the html2canvas and jspdf plug-ins 2. Create a new html2pdf.js file and place it in the util folder to edit the code. There are a lot of codes using html2canvas and jspdf plug-ins on the Internet. When exporting, sometimes the exported content has scroll bars. If the exported content is incomplete, only […]

Render MarkDown in antd and customize an anchor directory TOC (focusing on solving the problem that the navigation directory does not follow the scrolling of the document)

1. Overall idea Since there are many long documents that need to be rendered, I think the MarkDown method is more suitable for management, so I have tested integrating the MarkDown rendering module in antd in the past two days. General idea reference: Thank you for your generous efforts. Parse MarkDown using react-markdown Use […]