C# Onnx Yolov8 Detect seal fingerprint detection

Application scenarios Detect the seals and fingerprints in the document to determine whether the document is compliant (whether it is stamped or not) Effect Project Code using Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime; using Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.Tensors; using OpenCvSharp; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Onnx_Yolov8_Detect { public partial class Form1 : Form { public […]

[ Linux Busybox ] flash_eraseall command analysis

Article directory Related structures flash_eraseall function implementation flash_eraseall implementation flow chart File path: busybox-1.20.2/miscutils/flash_eraseall.c Related structure MTD related information structure struct mtd_info_user {<!– –> __u8 type; // MTD device type __u32 flags; // MTD device attribute flags __u32 size; //The size of the mtd device __u32 erasesize; //The erase unit size of the MTD device, […]

LWN: mseal() and subsequent solutions!

If you follow it, you can see more great articles like this~ mseal() and what comes after By Jonathan CorbetOctober 20, 2023ChatGPT translationhttps://lwn.net/Articles/948129/ Jeff Xu proposed a new system call called mseal() that would allow applications to prevent modifications to selected memory mappings. This helps prevent certain types of attacks from userspace applications; some other […]

Use Sealos to deploy Kubernetes clusters with one click

Sealos is a cloud operating system distribution with Kubernetes as the core, allowing users to use the cloud as simply as using a personal computer. At the same time, Sealos also provides a powerful set of tools to easily manage the life cycle of the entire Kubernetes cluster. Sealos can not only install a single-node […]

sealos + NFS deployment kubesphere 3.0

Background Use sealos + NFS to deploy a k8s1.18.17 with persistent storage, and deploy kubesphere on top of it. sealos Introduction https://github.com/fanux/sealos One command to install Kubernetes offline, ultra-full version, supports localization, stable as an old dog in the production environment, 99-year certificate, 0 dependencies, haproxy keepalived, v1.20 supports containerd! NFS Introduction Nothing to say […]

C# Onnx Yolov8 Detect seal fingerprint detection

Table of Contents Application scenarios Effect Model information project code other Application scenarios Detect the seals and fingerprints in the document to determine whether the document is compliant (whether it is stamped or not) Effect Model information Model Properties ———————– author:Ultralytics task: detect license: AGPL-3.0 https://ultralytics.com/license version:8.0.184 stride: 32 batch: 1 imgsz:[640, 640] names: {0: […]

sealos4.3.5 Installation Manual (3) Management Interface

The previous article sealos4.3.5 Installation Manual (2) Adding Nodes explains how to add nodes. In this article we will look at how to add a Kanban board, which can be operated through an interface. 1. Officially recommended kubernetes-dashboard First, add the officially recommended kubernetes-dashboard Find the required version on k8s github Download configuration file wget […]

Use GitHub Action to automatically update the application image of the Sealos cluster

In the IT world, automation has undoubtedly become the key to increasing productivity and reducing human errors. As a powerful cloud operating system, Sealos has provided stable and reliable services to many enterprises and developers. At the same time, as technology continues to evolve, it becomes even more important to integrate more features and services. […]

Deploy a K8S cluster in 180 seconds through Sealos

Deploy a K8S cluster in 180 seconds through Sealos 1. Host preparation 1.1 Host operating system description Serial number Operating system and version Remarks 1 CentOS7u9 1.2 Host hardware configuration instructions The k8s cluster CPU and memory are at least 2 CPUs and 2G memory respectively, and the hard disk is recommended to be 100G […]