Deep Neural Networks – Convert PyTorch Segmentation Model and Start with OpenCV v4.8.0

Goals In this tutorial you will learn how to Convert PyTorch segmentation model Run the converted PyTorch model using OpenCV Evaluate PyTorch and OpenCV DNN models We will discuss the above points using the FCN ResNet-50 architecture as an example. Introduction The key points involved in PyTorch classification and segmentation models and the OpenCV API’s […]

Regarding the Youshuang Linux high-performance server programming code list 13-4 Segmentation fault (core dumped) error reporting problem

I tried various adapted or official codes, but they were all wrong. Finally, I found that the problem lies in this line of code. sub_process[pid] = user_count; This line of code assigns the pid to the array, but how big is the array? The code is as follows sub_process = new int[PROCESS_LIMIT]; You will find […]

Based on the full series of yolov5 [n/s/m/l/x] models with different parameter levels, a system for detecting and segmenting cement building wall defects and diseases in tunnel inspection scenarios was developed and constructed.

In the previous article, we developed and constructed a cave building disease defect detection and segmentation system in the culvert scenario based on the most lightweight n-series model of YOLOv5. If you are interested, you can read it by yourself: “Development and construction of a cave wall defect detection and segmentation system in culvert scenarios […]

NeurIPS 2023 | Up! FreeMask: Improving segmentation model performance with densely annotated synthetic images

Click the Card below and follow the “CVer” public account AI/CV heavy-duty information, delivered as soon as possible Click to enter->[Image Segmentation and Transformer] Communication Group Author: LeolhYang (Source: Zhihu, authorized) | Editor: CVer Reply in the background of CVer WeChat public account: FreeMask, you can download the pdf and code of this paper […]

C++ MFC Socket communication ini configuration file reading + ASCLL code data transmission and segmentation to implement string split function

Introduction to ini files The ini file is a file with the suffix ini. It can be the initialization configuration file of the project. That is to say, after the project is released, the information in the configuration file can be modified according to the needs without modifying the project source code. The following is […]

[OpenCV’s color image segmentation technology based on HSV space reports an error: ValueError: the input array must be have a shape =]= (.., ..,[ ..,]

Article directory summary Image segmentation concept Segment blue target Split yellow target Split orange target Split green target summary Summary Whenever you see an image, it is usually made up of various elements and objects. In some cases, you may want to extract a specific object from an image. What do you do? The first […]

[Image Processing] Research on image registration, image enhancement and image segmentation (Matlab code implementation)

Welcome to this blog Advantages of bloggers:Blog content should be as thoughtful and logical as possible for the convenience of readers. Motto:He who travels a hundred miles is half as good as ninety. The directory of this article is as follows: Table of Contents 1 Overview 2 Operation results 2.1 Image segmentation 2.2 Image enhancement […]

Download and install Elasticsearch, download, install and use IK word segmenter and Kibana, and demonstrate how to use elasticsearch

First, give the network disk link of the version you use: your own version 7.17.14 Link: Extraction code: 1234 In general, Elastic Search (ES) is not used alone, such as the mainstream technology combination ELK (Elasticsearch + Logstash + Kibana) 1. Elasticsearch download Before downloading, first look at the corresponding relationship with the JDK […]

SAM: Segment Anything Code Reproduction and Testing Basic Usage

Related addresses Code: Online website: Environment configuration It is recommended that you clone it to learn the relevant code, and the installation does not depend on this library git clone 1.Create environment.yaml name: sam channels: – pytorch -conda-forge dependencies: -python=3.8 -pytorch=1.9.0 -torchvision=0.10.0 -cudatoolkit=11.1 -pip conda env create -f environment.yaml conda activate raptor […]

OpenCV image segmentation real-time portrait cutout model portrait segmentation.

MODNet is a lightweight Matting model. The onnx model of MODNet has been deployed using python before. This chapter will use NCNN to deploy MODNet. In addition, the model is statically quantized to reduce its size to 1/4 of the original model. Matting effect is as follows: The complete code and required weights are linked […]