AssetManager resource management and release of cocosCreator

Version: 3.4.0 Language: TypeScript Environment: Mac Review There are two previous blogs that explain: cocosCreator’s resources dynamic loading and preloading tells about static reference resources, dynamic loading and preloading. cocosCreator’s Bundle talks about the use of AssetManager’s built-in Bundles and custom Bundles The simple understanding is related to the use of static and dynamic reference […]

FTP setup for ubuntu and windows

1. Install vsftpd software package Use the command sudo apt-get install vsftpd to install vsftpd software After the installation is complete, use vsftpd -v to check whether the version is correct. sudo apt-get install vsftpd 2. Configuration file 1. The default configuration file translation is as follows # Sample configuration file, address: /etc/vsftpd.conf # # […]

Product management swiper setting and deletion implementation

<template> <el-card> <el-row :gutter=”20″ class=”header”> <el-col :span=”7″> <el-input placeholder=”Please enter the product name…” clearable v-model=”queryForm.query”></el-input> </el-col> <el-button type=”primary” :icon=”Search” @click=”initProductList”>Search</el-button> <el-button type=”primary” @click=”handleDialogValue()”>Add product</el-button> </el-row> <el-table :data=”tableData” stripe style=”width: 100%”> <el-table-column prop=”name” label=”Product Name” width=”200″ fixed/> <el-table-column prop=”image” label=”Product image” width=”150″ align=”center”> <template v-slot=”scope”> <img :src=”getServerUrl() + ‘/image/product/’ + scope.row.proPic” width=”80″ height=”80″/> </template> </el-table-column> <el-table-column […]

Creation and use of untyped DataSet

Level 1: DataSet Creation Knowledge points 1. Strongly typed DataSet creation (1) Create a DataSet using a sequence of basic types ## Create a collection val seq = Seq(1,2,3,4) ## Call toDS() method val ds: Dataset[Int] = seq.toDS() (2) Use the sample class sequence to create a DataSet (the sample class cannot be located […]

“Amazon Cloud Technology Product Review” event call for papers|Deploying JumpServer based on Amazon EC2 to achieve asset management

Authorization statement: This article authorizes the official Amazon Cloud Technology article to forward and rewrite the rights, including but not limited to Amazon Cloud Technology official channels such as Developer Centre, Zhihu, self-media platforms, third-party developer media, etc. Article directory Preface 1. What is EC2? 2. Deploy JumpServer based on Amazon EC2 1.EC2 environment initialization […]

List series collection and Set series collection

1. List series collection 1. Features 2. Unique methods 2. Traversal of List collection Because the List collection has an index, it can be traversed using a for loop These functions can be used by List implementation classes (LinkList, ArrayList). 3. The underlying principle of the ArrayList collection 1.Principle 2. Applicable scenarios 4. The underlying […]

Open dataset: study of multichannel sensorimotor cortical electrophysiology in primates

Nonhuman Primate Reaching with Multichannel Sensorimotor Cortex Electrophysiology. 1 Public data set URL: Directory General Description Possible uses Variable names Decoder Results Videos Supplements Contact Information Citation General Description The data set includes: Thresholding of extracellular and simultaneously recorded peaks across time, sorted into units (up to 5, including one “hash” unit), and sorted […]