MySQL data masking plugin functions

For enterprises, data desensitization can be used to protect sensitive data (such as credit cards, social security cards, addresses, etc.) when data is shared or tested. By desensitizing sensitive data, organizations can minimize the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access while still being able to use the data they need for real-world development, testing, […]

Multitasking with multithreading in Python

1. GIL Anyone familiar with python knows that there is a global interpreter lock in the python interpreter written in C language. Due to the existence of the global interpreter lock, the python interpreter can only run the code of one thread at the same time, which greatly affects python. Multi-threaded performance. Due to historical […]

2D numpy skinning algorithm

Make a rest_post yourself. It is an equilateral triangle. The poses are a right triangle and an obtuse triangle. You can run it directly to observe the effect import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import lsq_linear from scipy.cluster.vq import vq, kmeans, whiten import time #PointCloudRegistrationAlgorithm import numpy as np def kabsch_2d(P, […]

Conv-TasNet: Surpassing Ideal Time–Frequency Magnitude Masking for Speech Separation

1. Model architecture The fully convolutional temporal audio separation network (convt-tasnet) consists of three processing stages, as shown in (A): encoder, separation and decoder. First, an encoder module is used to convert short segments of the hybrid waveform to their corresponding representations in the intermediate feature space. This representation is then used to estimate the […]

2D rotation map realizes skinning and bone dressing

First you need to know how to rotate 2D graphics. Achieve costume changes through 2D rotation maps, skinned mesh renderers and merged bones. The first is the association between the 2D rotation map and the skinning script, the changeAvator.Change() method in the code below. using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using […]

Vue+ElementUI implements online dynamic skin changing

Article directory I. Overview 2. Realization 2.1, `package.json` 2.2. `element-variables.scss` 2.3. `vuex` sets `store` 2.4. `ThemePicker` component 2.4.1、chalk.js 2.5. Import `header` into the page 2.6. Cache theme color 2.7. Use `css` variable for theme color 3. Finally 1. Overview vue-element-admin Official implementation principle: All styles after element-ui 2.0 version are written based on SCSS, all […]

[FreeRTOS][STM32]06 Use of FreeRTOS-Dynamic creation of multi-tasking FreeRTOS startup process

For the main process, please refer to [FreeRTOS] [STM32] 06 Use of FreeRTOS-Dynamic Creation of Single Tasks 1. Define task handle static TaskHandle_t AppTaskCreate_Handle = NULL; 2. Hardware initialization slightly 3. Create specific functional task functions See Defining Task Functions 4. Use xTaskCreate to create tasks xReturn = xTaskCreate((TaskFunction_t)AppTaskCreate, /* task entry function */ (const […]

An in-depth explanation of multitasking processes, threads, and coroutines (python version)

Article directory 1. Think about it? 2. Main thread, sub-thread 3. There is no order in which the main thread and sub-threads run – the necessity of delay 3.1. Before delay 3.2. After delay 4. Encapsulate the thread and then call it (this method is not recommended) 5. Multiple threads share global variables 5.1 Process […]

Front-end skin change solution – element+less touchless skin change (no page refresh required)

Front-end skinning solution – element + less touchless skinning (no page refresh required) Foreword Not long ago, when revamping a project that had been iterated for more than a year, a skin-changing function was added. Through my own exploration, I have summarized a set of more suitable transformation plans for your reference. If you have […]

The principles and display, masking, equalization, and adaptive equalization of OpenCV histograms

Histograms play a vital role in digital image processing and computer vision, used to analyze and improve the quality and contrast of images. OpenCV provides a wealth of functions and functions for processing histograms, including operations such as histogram calculation, display, masking, equalization and adaptive equalization. In this article, we’ll dive into the mechanics of […]