Redis write failureMISCONFRedisisconfiguredtosaveRDBsnapshots, but is currently not able to persist on disk

The Java log error is as follows: redis hput exception org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but is currently not able to persist on disk. Commands that may modify the data set are disabled. Please check Redis logs for details about the error. ; nested exception is redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisDataException: MISCONF Redis is configured […]

kettle snapshot-based CDC

1. Input and output requirements for conversion ?The first step is to copy the data in the student_cdc table to the student_cdc_sanp1 table, making student_cdc_sanp1 the first snapshot of the student_cdc table, and at the same time output the data to the student_cdc_sync table. ?The second step is to insert, update, and delete the data […]

etcd failure-recovering backend from snapshot error: failed to find database snapshot file

1. Problem description The server crashed unexpectedly and k8s could not be started. Checking the kubelet log showed that node “master” was not found. Checking the etcd log reported an error as follows: Obviously the database file is damaged [root@master01 ~]# journalctl -u etcd -f … Oct 08 19:13:40 master01 etcd[66468]: recovering backend from snapshot […]

Amazon RDS: Snapshot, restore, and recovery demystified

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) is a managed relational database service offering. The managed service automation of Amazon Web Services (AWS) takes care of installation, storage provisioning, storage management, OS and database patching, and snapshot and restore of database instances . Offloading the undifferentiated heavy lifting of database infrastructure management to AWS helps you […]

elasticsearch7.15 creates snapshots and backups

1. Description Snapshots are backups taken from a running Elasticsearch cluster. You can take a snapshot of an entire cluster, including all its data streams and indexes. You can also snapshot only specific data streams or indexes in your cluster. Before you can create a snapshot, you must first register the snapshot repository. Snapshots can […]

snapshot backup of esh

1) Elasticsearch snapshot backup Advantages: Take a snapshot through snapshot, and then define a snapshot backup strategy, which can realize automatic storage of snapshots. You can define various strategies to meet your different backup needs. Disadvantages: Restoration is not flexible enough. Taking snapshots for backup is very fast, but there is no way to restore […]

Java+Selenium creates screenshots of specified areas based on elements – Element snapshots

Java + Selenium creates a screenshot of the specified area based on the element – Element snapshot Execution steps Get full screen screenshot File screen = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE); BufferedImage image =; Get the width, height and coordinates of element Create a WebElement element and obtain the element’s height, width, and coordinate information and create […]

springboot3.0.11-SNAPSHOT problems encountered when using knife4j-openapi3

1. Local working environment ide2021 jdk17 springboot3.0.11-SNAPSHOT 2. Reasons for using knife4j-openapi3 After writing a project using springboot3, I want to quickly generate an interface document for myself to watch. After surfing the Internet for a while, I found that it is more suitable to use Swagger documents to complete a complex document with a […]

View memory snapshot generation from Matrix-ResourceCanary-ForkAnalyseProcessor(1)

As seen earlier, the processing logic of AutoDumpProcessor is mainly to generate, cut hprof files and call back to PluginListener. Next, let’s take a look at the processing logic of ForkAnalyseProcessor. ForkAnalyseProcessor public class ForkAnalyseProcessor extends BaseLeakProcessor {<!– –> private static final String TAG = “Matrix.LeakProcessor.ForkAnalyse”; public ForkAnalyseProcessor(ActivityRefWatcher watcher) {<!– –> super(watcher); } @Override public […]