SpringBoot: SpEL makes complex permission control easy!

The path to growth as a programmer Internet/Programmer/Technology/Data Sharing focus on This article should take approximately 6 minutes to read. From: juejin.cn/post/7226674759626571833 1 Introduction 2 SpEL expression 3 Let’s do it Custom annotations Define aspects 4 Permission verification First, introduce SpEL: Then, get the expression we need from the annotation. Expression parsing Custom parsing method […]

SpringBoot integrates Dubbo and Nacos

1. Overview Dubbo is a high-performance, lightweight open source distributed service framework, which was early open sourced by Alibaba. It provides distributed service management functions such as service registration, discovery, invocation and load balancing, which provides great convenience for distributed development. The core concepts of dubbo include: Provider (consumer provider), Consumer (service consumer), Registry (registration […]

Spring-boot Mybatis-plus practical application

Article directory Preface 1. springBoot integrates mybatis-plus 1.1 maven introduces dependencies: 1.2 Configure data source:: 2. Use: 2.1 mysql prints the executed sql settings: 2.2 Paging query: 2.3 Conditional constructor: 2.3.1 QueryWrapper query: 2.3.2 UpdateWrapper update: 2.3.3 LambdaQueryWrapper query: 2.3. LambdaUpdateWrapper update: 3. Use of plug-ins: 3.1 Custom ID generation: 3.2 Logical deletion: 3.3 Autofill: […]

Stop writing tool classes by yourself, Spring Boot has all the built-in tool classes you need! !

Assertion An assertion is a logical judgment that checks for something that shouldn’t happen The Assert keyword was introduced in JDK1.4 and can be turned on through the JVM parameter -enableassertions SpringBoot provides the Assert assertion tool class, which is usually used for data validity checking. //Requires parameter object to be non-null (Not Null), otherwise […]

Spring Boot implements various parameter verifications. It is so well written. It is recommended to collect it!

Hello everyone, I am a passerby~~~ Click on the card below to follow me, java dry goods will be delivered in time I have written an article about the use of Spring Validation before, but I still feel that I am superficial. This time I plan to thoroughly understand Spring Validation. This article will introduce […]

Comment module of springboot personal blog system

Personal blog system development is briefly divided into five modules Homepage Login function Comment management Article management Email management A complete blog system, the front-end page can display and publish comments, comment users can reply to each other, and the back-end can manage the comment content. Due to limited space, the article comments of this […]

Data verification: Spring Validation

Spring Validation Overview During development, we often encounter the need for parameter verification. For example, when a user registers, it is necessary to verify that the user name cannot be empty, the length of the user name does not exceed 20 characters, the mobile phone number is in a legal mobile phone number format, etc. […]

Spring Cloud Alibaba OpenFeign

OpenFeig is a declarative REST client. OpenFeig generates a dynamic implementation of the interface (pseudo client) by using JAX-RS or SpringMVC annotations modification methods. OpenFeig is used by consumers to call providers, so OpenFeig only involves consumers. OpenFeign has a load balancing function, which can consume and access specified microservices in a load balancing manner. […]