stm32f103+HC-SR04+ssd1306 realizes ultrasonic ranging

The homepage of Akinayama coder oi retired player, dabbled in Java, big data, microcontrollers, and IoT, loves technology, technology is guilt-free Welcome to followLikeCollectLeave a message Get the source code and add WX Directory Preface HC-SR04 explanation code programming at last Foreword If you often make some embedded devices, you should be familiar with HC-SR04, […]

There is a vulnerability in the third-party component used by Android APP. After rectification, an error is reported: ava.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Ljava/awt/Color;

Recently, the company’s app was detected to use third-party components containing vulnerabilities and needs to be rectified. Record: some problems encountered during the rectification process and their solutions. 1. The component commons-net-3.3.jar has a vulnerability CVE-2021-37533. According to the official website announcement, just upgrade to 3.10.0 or above. build.gradle under app implementation ‘commons-net:commons-net:3.10.0’ Apache official […]

SSD-1B: Segmind’s accelerated stable diffusion model

The Segmind Stable Diffusion Model (SSD-1B) is a 50% smaller version of Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL), delivering 60% speedup while maintaining high-quality text-to-image generation capabilities. It has been trained on various data sets, including Grit and Midjourney scrap data, to enhance its ability to create a variety of visual content based on textual prompts. The […]

Object detection using TensorFlow SSD network

Object detection using TensorFlow SSD network Table of Contents describe How does this example work? Process input graph Prepare data sampleUffSSD plugin Verify output TensorRT API layers and operations prerequisites Run the example Example –help option additional resources license Change log Known issues Description This example sampleUffSSD preprocesses the TensorFlow SSD network, uses TensorRT to […]

SSD1306 OLED display driver SPI interface

There are IIC interface and SPI interface, as well as 8080, 6080 interface, etc. arduino SPI interface Implemented directly using u8g2 library //U8G2_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_F_4W_SW_SPI u8g2(U8G2_R0, /* clock=*/ 13, /* data=*/ 11, /* cs=*/ 10, /* dc=*/ 9, /* reset=*/ 8); asrpro (SPI interface is modified as shown below, IIC interface has official driver) 1. Download the […]

SSD2828 Setup – For HX8394F + BOE6.86 MIPI Display

This article is to put the recent task into record. In this project, a GPIO simulated 4-line SPI is used to connect with SSD2828. Other than the initialization code of SSD2828, HX8394F + BOE6.86 related initialization code is also added. (Note: The initialization code may vary for different panels.) In addition, although some of the […]

[Arduino TFT] Weather clock based on ESP8266 and SSD1306

Forget the past and surpass yourself Blog homepage Microcontroller rookie brother, a wild non-professional hardware IOT enthusiast Creation record of this article 2023-10-21 Update record of this article 2023-10-21 Welcome to follow Like Collection Leave a message This blog is written by the blogger alone and is not operated by any commercial team. If you […]

How to use local temporary tables of GaussDB (DWS) for data processing?

This article is shared from the Huawei Cloud Community “GaussDB (DWS) Temporary Table Series – Local Temporary Table”, author: acydy. GaussDB (DWS) supports three forms of temporary tables from version 8.2.1: local temporary tables, volatile temporary tables, and global temporary tables. This article first introduces the local temporary table function of DWS. Features of local […]

Build ZNS SSD using QUME

Install QUME QEMU supports emulating NVMe namespaces starting from version 1.6. However, simulated partition namespaces are only supported starting from QEMU version 6.0. Download QUME: Mirror download The user account and guest OS of the VM: username: femu passwd:femu Guest OS: Ubuntu 20.04.1 server, with kernel 5.4 mkdir -p ~/images wget tar xJvf […]