93. Restore IP Addresses 78. Subsets 90. Subsets II

93. Restore IP Addresses A valid IP address consists of exactly four integers separated by single dots. Each integer is between 0 and 255 (inclusive) and cannot have leading zeros. For example, “” and “” are valid IP addresses, but “”, “” and “[email protected]” are invalid IP addresses. Given a string s containing only digits, […]

Stop writing tool classes by yourself, Spring Boot has all the built-in tool classes you need! !

Assertion An assertion is a logical judgment that checks for something that shouldn’t happen The Assert keyword was introduced in JDK1.4 and can be turned on through the JVM parameter -enableassertions SpringBoot provides the Assert assertion tool class, which is usually used for data validity checking. //Requires parameter object to be non-null (Not Null), otherwise […]

Synchronization experiment of operating system processes

1. Experimental purpose (1) Master the basic concepts and properties of processes and threads; (2) Implement multi-threaded ticketing: simulate multiple ticketing windows (there are 2 windows here), and each window can sell tickets at the same time. Through multi-threading, ticketing operations can be performed concurrently to ensure thread safety; (3) Provide user interface: Create a […]

AssetManager resource management and release of cocosCreator

Version: 3.4.0 Language: TypeScript Environment: Mac Review There are two previous blogs that explain: cocosCreator’s resources dynamic loading and preloading tells about static reference resources, dynamic loading and preloading. cocosCreator’s Bundle talks about the use of AssetManager’s built-in Bundles and custom Bundles The simple understanding is related to the use of static and dynamic reference […]

Even more powerful, Java accesses ChatGPT API

This article describes how to interact with the ChatGPT API using Java, helping you integrate the power of the ChatGPT model into your Java applications! Search on WeChat and follow “Java Learning and Research Base Camp” As a large-scale language model trained by OpenAI, ChatGPT provides artificial intelligence services for natural language processing tasks. By […]

.NET Framework 4.8 console application in C# accesses the established database through EF

Table of Contents 1. Create a .NET Framework 4.8 console application 2. Establish a database 1. Establish database Blogging in SSMS 2. Create a new database connection on VS 3. Install the EF package 4. Automatically generate EF models and contexts 1.Blog.cs class model 2. Model of Post.cs class 3.BloggingContext.cs database context 5. Write an […]

“Amazon Cloud Technology Product Review” event call for papers|Deploying JumpServer based on Amazon EC2 to achieve asset management

Authorization statement: This article authorizes the official Amazon Cloud Technology article to forward and rewrite the rights, including but not limited to Amazon Cloud Technology official channels such as Developer Centre, Zhihu, self-media platforms, third-party developer media, etc. Article directory Preface 1. What is EC2? 2. Deploy JumpServer based on Amazon EC2 1.EC2 environment initialization […]

[Elementary C++] Classes and Objects (3)

Directory 1. Let’s talk about the constructor again 1.1 Initialization list 1.1.1 How to write the initialization list 1.1.2 Which members should use the initialization list? 1.2 Characteristics of initialization list 1.2.1 Solving queue problems 1.2.2 The declaration order is the order of the initialization list 1.3 explicit keyword 1.3.1 The role of explicit keyword […]