Thoughts on MySQL optimization [storage engine, index]

For SQL optimization, today we first look at the basic knowledge: ? Storage engines. Understanding the characteristics and applicable scenarios of MySQL’s different storage engines can help you make wise decisions in database design and application development. ? Index, when the table does not have an index, querying the data may be a full table […]

kubernetes cluster orchestration – k8s storage (volumes, persistent volumes, statefulset controller)

volumes emptyDir volume vim emptydir.yaml apiVersion: v1 Kind: Pod metadata: name: vol1 spec: containers: – image: busyboxplus name: vm1 command: [“sleep”, “300”] volumeMounts: – mountPath: /cache name: cache-volume – name: vm2 image: nginx volumeMounts: – mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html name: cache-volume volumes: – name: cache-volume emptyDir: medium: Memory sizeLimit: 100Mi kubectl apply -f emptydir.yaml kubectl get pod […]

k8s—–data storage

Table of Contents 1. The concept of data storage 2. Basic storage 1. EmptyDir storage volume 2. hostPath storage volume 3. nfs shared storage volume 3. Advanced storage 1. PV (persistent volume) 2. PVC (persistent volume statement) 3. Static PV experiment 4. Dynamic PV experiment 4.1 Install nfs on the stor01 node and configure the […]

A first look at Django – custom attachment storage model

Foreword Django comes with a field named FileField for processing file uploads. However, sometimes we need more control, such as defining the file’s storage path, file name, and file type. In this article, we will explore how to customize the Django attachment storage model. Create an attachment application python startapp attachment Then, in the […]

Mysql storage engine

Storage engine concept Data in MySQL is stored in files using a variety of different technologies, each of which uses different storage mechanisms, indexing technologies, locking levels, and ultimately provides different functions and capabilities. These are what we call storage engines. Storage engine function 1. A way and format for mysql to store data in […]

One article explains the storage, search, analysis and mining of time series and sequence data

Source: Data STUDIO This article is about 4800 words, it is recommended to read for 5 minutes This article will summarize the methods of industrial-level time series analysis. In algorithm practice, it is of great significance to quickly grasp the characteristics of time series data and estimate long-term trends, repetitive changes, and cyclic changes. The […]

Database storage engine

Table of Contents Storage engine concept The main function Mysql storage engine classification Analyze and compare MYISAM and INNODB Features of MYISAM Supported storage formats Key points INNODB There are a few points to note Features of INNODB scenes to be used INNODB three files The relationship between Innodb row locks and indexes, as well […]

MySQL storage engine

In MySQL, data is stored in files using a variety of different technologies, each of which uses different storage mechanisms, import techniques, locking levels, and ultimately provides different functions and capabilities. These are storage engines. Function of storage engine 1. A way and format for MySQL to store data in the file system 2. The […]

Read from Spark.sql to Lightgbm model storage

Summary This article will introduce the steps to read from Spark.sql to Lightgbm model storage Overall architecture process Import essential toolkit, data reading, data preprocessing, model building, model evaluation, field filtering, model storage Technical details 1. Import necessary tool packages from pyspark.conf import SparkConf #SparkConf contains various parameters for spark cluster configuration from pyspark.sql import […]

MySQL InnoDB data storage structure

1. Database storage structure: page The index structure provides us with an efficient indexing method, but the index information and data records are stored in the file, or in the page structure to be precise. On the other hand, indexes are implemented in the storage engine. The storage engine on the MySQL server is responsible […]