Solve python object is not subscriptable

Table of Contents Solve the problem of Python “object is not subscriptable” reason solution 1. Check the type of object 2. Check whether the object implements the __getitem__() method 3. Check whether the properties of the object are accessed correctly Summarize Application scenario example: processing JSON data Method definition and usage Access elements using subscripts […]

Using event listening to implement message subscription and publishing in springboot

The previous article introduced the use of eventbus in guava to implement the publish and subscribe function. It can already achieve code decoupling very well for ordinary projects. In fact, similar functions are also provided in spring. There is no need to introduce third-party dependencies in spring projects. In order to implement the publish and […]

Sprint Cloud Stream integrates RocketMq and websocket to implement message publishing and subscription

1.Introduce RocketMQ dependencies: First, add RocketMQ dependencies in the pom.xml file: <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.rocketmq</groupId> <artifactId>rocketmq-spring-boot-starter</artifactId> <version>2.2.0</version> <!– The version number is adjusted according to the actual situation –> </dependency> 2.Configure RocketMQ connection information: Configure RocketMQ connection information in or application.yml, including Name Server address, etc.: spring: application: name: ${sn.publish} cloud: stream: rocketmq: binder: name-server: ${} […]

How does the Android GB28181 device access module implement real-time location subscription (MobilePosition)

Technical background Real-time location (MobilePosition) subscription and reporting is particularly important for GB28281 device access terminals, such as mobile individual soldier equipment, law enforcement recorders, smart helmets, vehicle-mounted terminals, etc. Android national standard access devices obtain real-time longitude and latitude information, and according to certain The national standard service platform dynamically displays the positioning information […]

Java integrates stripe payment (subscription model and one-time payment)

1. First reference maven The API version of stripe needs to be corresponding to the calling version. Remember to check the API version corresponding to the stripe backend webhook. <dependency> <groupId>com.stripe</groupId> <artifactId>stripe-java</artifactId> <version>23.9.0</version> </dependency> 2. Use the checkout method to create an order. Please note that the subscription products are different from the one-time payment […]

Why does RocketMQ ensure that the subscription relationship is consistent?

In this article, the author wants to talk about one of RocketMQ’s best practices: ensuring consistent subscription relationships. The consistent subscription relationship means that the Topic and Tag subscribed by all Consumer instances under the same consumer Group ID must be exactly the same. If the subscription relationship is inconsistent, the logic of message consumption […]

[C++] Operator overloading case – String class ② (overloading equal sign = operator | overloading array subscript [] operator | complete code example)

Article directory 1. Overloading the equal sign = operator 1. Equal sign = operator and copy constructor 2. Overloading the equal sign = operator – the right operand is a String object 3. Overloaded operator functions corresponding to different right operands 2. Overloading the subscript [] operator 3. Complete code example 1. String.h class header […]

Real-time data subscription of Mysql using canal and openfire

Article directory 1. Openfire plug-in receives binlog data 1.1. Create user group 1.2. Interface implementation 2. Canal client development 3. Smack message client implementation. Mysql binlog real-time data subscription (1) canal installation and client use (2) openfire 4.7.5 Web plug-in development (3) Real-time data subscription of Mysql using canal and openfire The business system generates […]

Timer/timer publisher and subscriber, use of Subscribar/text box subscription mode

1. Timer operation 1.1 Implementation /// Timer publisher and subscriber struct TimerBootcamp: View { // Timer publisher timer1/timer3/timer5 = 1.0, timer2 = 2.0, timer4 = 0.5 let timer = Timer.publish(every: 1, on: .main, in: .common).autoconnect() // —1— // Computed property current time @State var currentDate = Date() var dateFormatter: DateFormatter{ let formatter = DateFormatter() //formatter.dateStyle […]