Discover how to export html and svg as images

The author has open sourced a Web mind map [1], and made many detours when exporting it to pictures, so I will record it through this article. The nodes and connections of the mind map are all rendered through svg. As a pure js library, we do not consider implementing it through the backend, so […]

Use CSS+SVG to create an elegant circular progress bar

Get straight to the point First, the final renderings: (Demo portal) The progress, size, ring width and color can all be controlled very conveniently. Core Principles: Using two overlapping rings, the progress is expressed by controlling the arc length of the upper ring, while the lower ring serves as an auxiliary to present the remaining […]

SVG tag inner path tag adaptive scaling problem

<svg ref=”svgref” style=”width: 17vw; height: 42vh” xmlns=”” viewBox=”0 0 330 400″> // The focus of viewBox is on this attribute <path ref=”svgref1″ :d=”`M ${p12}C ${cp12} ${cp22} ${p22}`” fill=”none” vector-effect=”non-scaling-stroke” /> // vector-effect=”non-scaling-stroke” This attribute needs to be brought here. The line drawn by your path or the arc label will cause adaptive scaling problems. </svg> […]

vue3 + vite project uses SVG icons

We often use some icons when developing a project, but some icons are not available in the limited icon library. Therefore, a small number of icons require us to search online or customize some special icons. Generally, there are few icon libraries that meet the needs of real-life project development. In this case, it is […]

Use vue3 and svg canvas tags to develop a mind map function

Foreword Definition of SVG SVG is a language defined in XML for describing two-dimensional vectors and vector or raster graphics. SVG provides three types of graphic objects, vector graphics, images, and text. SVG is an image file format. Its full English name is ScalableVectorGraphics, which means scalable vector graphics. Vector graphics, also known as object-oriented […]

vue3 – Import and use Element Plus icons, iconify icons, and local SVG/PNG icons on demand

GitHub Demo address Online preview vue3 – Import and use Element Plus icons, iconify icons, and local SVG/PNG icons on demand [GitHub Demo address]( [Online preview]( 1. iconify plug-in Install use renderings 2. Use iconify through automatic import Install Element Plus Install the automatic import plug-in Install the automatic import Icon plug-in Using Element Plus […]

Discover how to export html and svg as images

The author open sourced a Web mind map and took many detours when exporting it to pictures, so I will record it through this article. The nodes and connections of the mind map are all rendered through svg. As a pure js library, we do not consider implementing it through the backend, so we can […]