3. Use third-party service targets to collect passive information to prevent discovery

3. Use third-party service targets to collect passive information to prevent discovery 3.1 Passive information collection 3.1.1 Overview and purpose of passive information collection · Information collection methods can be divided into two types: passive and active ? Passive information collection method refers to using third-party services to access and understand the target. (Such as […]

How to obtain the detection index APs of small targets? ——Dataset Yolo format generates json file

It’s such a simple thing, but I worked on it for several days for no reason. I was very depressed, so I just started without saying much. First, you must have a data set in YoLo format. Starting from the simplest, you need image data and corresponding txt tag data of the yolo type. (The […]

Track targets using opencv’s tracking module

OpenCV tracking module algorithm introduction OpenCV’s tracking module is a powerful tracking algorithm library that contains a variety of algorithms for tracking objects. It helps you locate an object such as a face, eye, vehicle, etc. in consecutive video frames. In the OpenCV tracking module, some of the main tracking algorithms include: Sparse optical flow: […]

Modern CMake configuration and construction, sample templates, dynamic link libraries, find_package, cache variables, adding pseudo targets to start programs, directory organization, updating CMake

Directory Traditional CMake build installation Modern CMake Sample template dynamic link library find_package Use of cache variables Add pseudo target to launch program Directory organization Update CMake Traditional CMake build and installation review: PUBLIC means that the linked library will not only be applied to the current target, but will also be passed to other […]

[Computer Vision] Exploratory data analysis of image targets

Article directory Preface 1. Data preparation 2. Data processing 1. Image size distribution 2. Number of different categories 3. Statistics on the number of targets of different sizes Summarize Foreword Exploratory data analysis of image targets can help us understand target distribution, what should be paid attention to during the training process, training hyperparameter settings, […]

Summary of problems when upgrading Android app targetSdk from 28 to 33

Article directory 1. TelephonyManager#listen(PhoneStateListener listener, int events) error log 1. Call the entrance 2.~~TelephonyRegistryManager of binder service~~ TelephonyRegistryManager (not binder server!!!) register use 3.TelephonyRegistry of binder service register Note:~~You can see that the registration locations of the two binder services are different~~ It has been confirmed that the former runs in the calling process (same […]

CMake Practical Guide Section 4: CMake Targets and Target Properties

Code link for this section: https://github.com/HuPengsheet/use_cmake/tree/master/course_04 In previous chapters, we have mentioned the concept of targets in CMake many times. In this section, we will systematically introduce related concepts. ? There are three main ways to generate targets in CMake: add_executable(run main.cpp) #Generate executable file target run add_library(math SHARED add.cpp sub.cpp) #Generate shared library target […]