μC/OS-II—Task management 2 (os_task.c)

Directory Change task priority Task hangs Task recovery Task information acquisition Task scheduler lock (os_core.c) Task scheduler unlocking (os_core.c) Change Task priority #if OS_TASK_CHANGE_PRIO_EN > 0u INT8U OSTaskChangePrio (INT8U oldprio, INT8U newprio) {<!– –> #if (OS_EVENT_EN) OS_EVENT *pevent; #if (OS_EVENT_MULTI_EN > 0u) OS_EVENT **pevents; #endif #endif OS_TCB *ptcb; INT8U y_new; INT8U x_new; INT8U y_old; OS_PRIO […]

FreeRTOS_Direct Task Notifications

Directory title 1 Introduction 2. TCB members 3. Task notification API 3.1, simplified version 3.1.1, xTaskNotifyGive() 3.1.2, ulTaskNotifyTake() 3.2. Professional version 3.2.1, xTaskNotify() 3.2.2, xTaskNotifyWait() 1. Introduction When we use queues, semaphores, and event groups, we need to create corresponding structures in advance, and the two parties communicate through the intermediate structures. When using task […]

[Java] Timing tasks – Timer/TimerTask source code principle analysis

1. Background and usage When implementing various server-side systems on a daily basis, we will definitely have the need for some scheduled tasks. For example, automatic reminders for meetings half an hour in advance, scheduled/periodic execution of asynchronous tasks, etc. So how to implement such a scheduled task system? The Timer class provided by Java […]

Multiple instance problems encountered by SpringBoot integrating scheduled tasks

Talk part That’s right. I improved the logging of scheduled tasks a few days ago. Today I switched servers, deployed one more node, and used nginx load balancing. However, when I checked the logs, I found the following situation. That’s bad, the legendary multi-instance problem has appeared. Today we will talk about how to do […]

Spring Boot integrates Xxl-job to achieve awesome scheduled tasks

Article directory Why choose Xxl-job? Start integrating Xxl-job Step 1: Add dependencies Step 2: Configure the data source Step 3: Initialize database tables Step 4: Configure Xxl-job Step 5: Write scheduled tasks Step 6: Start the project Step 7: Access Xxl-job Admin Expansion: dynamically add and delete tasks Summarize Welcome to the architecture design column~Spring […]

Spring’s own thread pool ThreadPoolTaskExecutor

Spring default thread pool simpleAsyncTaskExecutor The interface class of Spring asynchronous thread pool is TaskExecutor, which is essentially java.util.concurrent.Executor. If there is no configuration, simpleAsyncTaskExecutor is used by default. @Async demonstrates Spring’s default simpleAsyncTaskExecutor @Component @EnableAsync public class ScheduleTask {<!– –> SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(“yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”); @Async @Scheduled(fixedRate = 2000) public void testScheduleTask() {<!– […]

Python uses the apscheduler module to set up the implementation of scheduled tasks

This article mainly introduces the implementation of Python using the apscheduler module to set scheduled tasks. The article introduces it in detail through sample code and has certain reference value. Interested friends can refer to it. 1. Installation pip install apscheduler 2. Introduction to ApScheduler 1 Components of APScheduler triggers: triggers Triggers contain the scheduling […]

μC/OS-II—Task management 1 (os_task.c)

Directory task management Task creation Task creation (extension) Task deletion Implementation principle Request to delete Task Task management Task creation #if OS_TASK_CREATE_EN > 0u INT8U OSTaskCreate (void (*task) (void *p_arg), void *p_arg, OS_STK *ptos, INT8U prio) {<!– –> OS_STK *psp; INT8U err; #if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3u /* Allocate storage for CPU status register */ OS_CPU_SR […]

Use Docker to deploy the open source distributed task scheduling system DolphinScheduler

Blog homepage: The little sheep has insomnia. Series of columns: “C Language” strong> 《Data Structure》 《Linux》《Cpolar》 Thank you everyone for likingfavorites?comments Use Docker to deploy the open source distributed task scheduling system DolphinScheduler A few days ago, I discovered a giant artificial intelligence learning website. It is easy to understand and humorous. I couldn’t help […]