Warning: mysqli_query(): MySQL server has gone away in /home/wwwroot/syntaxbug.com/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1924

Warning: mysqli_query(): Error reading result set's header in /home/wwwroot/syntaxbug.com/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1924
tegra – SyntaxBug

3Spring Boot 3 integrates mybatis-plus+druid+mysql

Directory 【3】Spring Boot 3 integrated components: Druid + Mybatis Plus + Mysql integration solution 1. Hikari + jdbc + mysql integration solution increase dependency Add configuration Spring Testng test cases 2. Druid + Mybatis Plus + Mysql integration solution 2.1 Configure Druid Add dependencies Configuration Start Spring Boot Web Starter Spring Testng test cases 2.2 […]

Microservice architecture integrates Sa-Token to implement gateway authentication and authentication services

Microservice architecture integrates Sa-Token to implement gateway authentication and authentication services This project is a hands-on project I made, using the SpringCloudAlibaba microservice architecture. When I was working on the authentication module, I remembered the Sa-Token project I had seen online before. It was called the Light of Domestic Authentication, so I checked their documentation […]

21. Integration of Flink’s table API and DataStream API (2) – batch processing mode and insert-only stream processing

Flink series of articles 1. Flink column The Flink column systematically introduces a certain knowledge point and explains it with specific examples. 1. Flink deployment series This section introduces the basic content related to the deployment and configuration of Flink. 2. Flink basic series This part introduces the basic parts of Flink, such as terminology, […]

SpringBoot integrates Ldap–super detailed method explanation

LADP Overview LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a protocol for accessing and maintaining distributed directory information services. Directory service is a service for storing and retrieving information. It is usually used to store user information, organizational structure, network equipment and other data within an organization. LDAP is a lightweight protocol designed for lookup and […]

HBase and Hadoop integration

1. Start the hadoop service process and hbase service process [Command 001]: start-all.sh start-hbase.sh 2.Create the directory /root/experiment/datas on HDFS [Command 002]: hadoop fs -mkdir -p /root/experiment/hbase/file1.txt /root/experiment/datas 3. Upload the local directory /root/experiment/datas/hbase/file1.txt file to the /root/experiment/datas directory of HDFS [Command 003]: hadoop fs -put /root/experiment/datas/hbase/file1.txt /root/experiment/datas 2) Experimental process 1. Double-click the “IDEA” […]

SpringBoot integrates Dubbo and Nacos

1. Overview Dubbo is a high-performance, lightweight open source distributed service framework, which was early open sourced by Alibaba. It provides distributed service management functions such as service registration, discovery, invocation and load balancing, which provides great convenience for distributed development. The core concepts of dubbo include: Provider (consumer provider), Consumer (service consumer), Registry (registration […]

Springboot2.x integrated lettuce connection redis cluster reports timeout exception Command timed out after 6 second(s)

Original/Zhu Jiqian Background: Recently, I was doing a stress test on a newly developed Springboot system. I found that when I first started the stress test, I could access data from the redis cluster normally. However, after a few minutes of pause, and then when I continued to use jmeter to perform the stress test, […]

Spring MVC and AJAX integration example

Table of Contents 1. Introduction SpringMVC AJAX 2. Environment settings & related configurations 3. Create Spring MVC project 4. Create Controller 5. Front-end page design 6. Display data: 1. Introduction Spring MVC Spring MVC is a module in the Spring framework for developing web applications based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. It provides a flexible […]

Golang integrates RocketMQ

RocketMQ related knowledge summary What is RocketMQ RocketMQ is an open source MQ framework from Alibaba. It is widely used in different business scenarios and has very good ecosystem support. It supports transaction messages, sequential messages, batch messages, scheduled messages, message traceback and other functions. RocketMQ core concepts Name Service (NameServer): It can be understood […]