WinForm application interface development practice – how to integrate external API interface calls in a hybrid framework

In our regular business processing, most of the internal processing interfaces are database-related and based on the Winform development framework of hybrid development. Although when the client calls, the general choice is also based on Web API calls, but the back-end We may not only process our business database, but also call other external interfaces, […]

MyBatis Plus integrates Redis to implement distributed second-level cache

MyBatis cache description MyBatis provides two levels of cache, namely first-level cache and second-level cache. The first-level cache is a SqlSession-level cache. It only stores cached data inside the SqlSession object. If the SqlSession objects are different, the cache cannot be hit. The second-level cache is a mapper-level cache. As long as the Mapper class […]

[Springboot] Based on annotation development Springboot-Vue3 integrates Mybatis-plus to implement paging query (2) – front-end el-pagination implementation

Series of articles [Springboot] Based on annotation development Springboot-Vue3 integrates Mybatis-plus to implement paging query – back-end implementation Article directory Series of articles system version Implement function Implementation ideas Data format passed in from backend frontendel-table Encapsulate axois interface Introducing the el-pagination paging component of Element-plus Axois gets background data System version Backend: Springboot 2.7, […]

IDEA integrates Hadoop3.x under Windows

1. Hadoop development package download 1.1 Download the corresponding hadoop development package on the windows system, for example: hadoop3.3.5 version 1.1 Unzip the development package and rename it 2. Patch 2.1 Since it is a windows development system, some patches need to be installed to run normally. Install them in the bin directory of hadoop. […]

SpringBoot–middleware technology-3: Integrate mongodb, integrate ElasticSearch, attached case with code (simple and easy to understand)

SpringBoot integrates mongodb Implementation steps: pom file import coordinates <!–mongo–> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.projectlombok</groupId> <artifactId>lombok</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-test</artifactId> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> Yaml configuration file configures mongodb: spring: data: mongodb: uri: mongodb://localhost/spring Just create a pojo @Data @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor public class Book {<!– –> private int id; private String name; […]

“The charm of the GUI graphical interface, the secure communication of the SSH protocol and the efficient development of IDEA integrated with Git”

Article directory introduction 1. Practical application of GUI graphical interface 2. Secure communication using SSH protocol What is SSH? git/github generates the key and passes Remote github warehouse configuration 3. Quick start guide for integrating Git with IDEA Summarize Introduction In the field of computer science, a graphical user interface (GUI) is a user interface […]

Multiple instance problems encountered by SpringBoot integrating scheduled tasks

Talk part That’s right. I improved the logging of scheduled tasks a few days ago. Today I switched servers, deployed one more node, and used nginx load balancing. However, when I checked the logs, I found the following situation. That’s bad, the legendary multi-instance problem has appeared. Today we will talk about how to do […]

SpringBoot2.X integration integrates Dubbo

Environment installation Dubbo uses zookeeper as the registration center. You must first install zookeeper. Install zookeeper on Windows as follows: Install zookeeper on Linux as follows: SpringBoot new project If you still don’t know how to create a new SpringBoot project, you can refer to: Service providerDubbo-provider Created dubbo-provider module as a […]

SpringBoot integrates Shiro

1. What is Shiro Shiro is a security framework provided by Apache. It is a permission management framework that performs authentication, authorization, password and session management. It is very powerful and easy to use; There is Spring Security in Spring, which is a permissions framework. It is too closely dependent on Spring and is not […]