Starting from single testing, improve the underlying API effect function in the Vue3 source code

Based on the effect method implemented in the previous article, based on the single test in the Vue3 source code, three functions of this method are improved, namely: runner: effect can return a self-executing parameter runner function scheduler: effect supports adding the scheduler function in the second parameter option stop: effect Adds stop function runner […]

Implementation of interface automation testing framework based on Junit!

Layered automated testing 5 to 10 years ago, the automated testing we came into contact with was more focused on automated testing of the UI layer. Mercury’s WinRunner/QTP was a typical representative of the commercial automated testing products of that era. At that time, everyone simply wanted to use a Automated tools replace human clicks, […]

Byte’s 10 years of experience – developing an automated testing framework from 0 to 1!

1. Preface With the rapid iteration of project versions, APP testing has the following characteristics: First of all, there are many and detailed function points, the testing workload is large, and it is easy to miss; Secondly, code modules are often changed, regression testing is frequent, and testing is repeated and inefficient; Finally, the data […]

Automated test series – UI automated testing

UI testing is a type of testing also known as user interface testing, through which we check if the interface of the application is working properly or if there are any bugs that hinder user behavior and do not comply with the written specifications. It is crucial to understand how the user will interact between […]

Yolo-Fastest with environment + training + testing

Yolo-Fastest configuration environment + training + testing Table of contents 1. Matching environment 2. Training 3. Test 1. Matching environment opencv451 vs2019 cmake3.28.0 2. Training 3. Test Directory 1. Environment configuration 2. Training 3. Test Reference for the entire process: YOLO-Fastest trains its own data set: The whole process of training Yolo-Fastest model on Win10 […]

How to build an automated testing framework? Easy to implement in 4 steps in one article!

Foreword Recently, many friends are talking about interface automation testing, so what exactly is interface automation testing? Let’s take a look below to find out. First we have to figure out the following issue. Why do you need (automated) interface testing? 1. As the complexity of each system continues to rise, the cost of traditional […]

Installation and use of automated testing framework Playwright

Recently, Microsoft open sourced a very powerful automation project called playwright-python It supports mainstream browsers, including: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, etc. It also supports running in headless mode and headless mode, and provides synchronous and asynchronous APIs, which can be used in conjunction with the Pytest testing framework, and supports browsing Automatic script recording […]