JavaScript uses functions to set and modify the innerHtml and innerText attributes of the div box—–JavaScript

<!DOCTYPE html> <!– This is an HTML comment –> <html lang=”en” id=”myHtml”> <head> <!– This does not set the encoding, but tells the browser what encoding method to use to open the file to avoid garbled characters –> <meta charset=”UTF-8″> <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″> <title>HtmlAll</title> <style type=”text/css”> #div1{ background-color: aquamarine; width: 300px; height: 300px; border: […]

FreeRTOS mutual exclusion semaphore (mutex lock)

1. Mutually exclusive semaphore A mutually exclusive semaphore is actually a binary semaphore with priority inheritance, which is mostly used for mutually exclusive access to shared resources between different tasks. 2. Mutual exclusion semaphore reduces the impact of priority flipping When a mutex semaphore is being used by task L, and a task H also […]

python pyqt5 3. Text editing box pop-up window search and replace, highlighting the searched string

Function: 1. Click the Open Find and Replace button to pop up the Find and Replace window. After selecting the string, the window will open and the value will be automatically searched. 2. All found results are highlighted. 3. Display the number of results found and the number currently found 4. Implement batch replacement Rendering: […]

(22) Text-to-speech, TTS, long text, Edge-TTS

(22) Text-to-speech, TTS, long text, Edge-TTS The code in this article uses Edge-TTS to perform text-to-speech operations, which can be stored as mp3 or wav files. There is no limit to the text length. What is called is the cloud Edge-TTS interface. I just made a simple encapsulation and compiled a UI. Directly executable files […]

Write corpus text to database 20231104

import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; public class BaseDao { public Connection conn = null; public PreparedStatement ps = null; public ResultSet rs = null; public void getConnection() throws Exception { Class.forName(“com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver”); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(“jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/languages_material_database?serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai & amp; & amp;useTimezone=true”, “root”, “123456”); } public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql, Object[] param) throws Exception { this.getConnection(); ps […]

Stable Diffusion: A state-of-the-art image model for text generation

Stable diffusion Generative AI technology is advancing rapidly and can now generate text and images simply from text input. Stable Diffusion is a text-to-image model that enables you to create photorealistic applications. Diffusion models are trained by learning to remove noise added to real images. This noise reduction process produces lifelike images. These models can […]

14-NLP’s Bert implements multi-classification of text

Article directory code Interpretation of the overall code process debug the above code Code from pypro.chapters03.demo03_data acquisition and processing import train_list, label_list, val_train_list, val_label_list import tensorflow astf from transformers import TFBertForSequenceClassification bert_model = “bert-base-chinese” model = TFBertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(bert_model, num_labels=32) model.compile(metrics=[‘accuracy’], loss=tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits) model.summary() result =[:24], y=label_list[:24], batch_size=12, epochs=1) print(result.history) # Save the model (the essence of […]

How to manually obtain the IOC container (global context object) in spring/springboot?

IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.3 x64 Operating system: win10 x64 bit home edition JDK: 1.8 Article directory Preface 1. How to manually obtain the spring container [ApplicationContext]? Method ①: Get the spring container in the startup class Method ②: Customize the tool class to implement the ServletContextListener interface to obtain the spring container [recommended web project] […]