Pitfalls encountered by RequestInterceptor in OpenFeign (Incomplete output stream problem)

Reprint Incomplete output stream problem solved 1. Foreword When using OpenFeign, we sometimes need to add the request header in the request received by the api to the request header in the request to the server. In this case, we need to use @Component public class OpenFeignConfig implements RequestInterceptor { @Override public void apply(RequestTemplate template) […]

If you analyze it according to the source code: prevent the form from repeatedly submitting @RepeatSubmit, RepeatableFilter, RepeatedlyRequestWrapper and RepeatSubmitInterceptor

Article directory Summary Configuration interceptor: WebMvcConfigurer RepeatSubmit annotation Interceptor specific implementation: RepeatSubmitInterceptor and SameUrlDataInterceptor preHandle: Intercept processing before request processing. To verify whether to submit repeatedly, the subclass implements specific anti-repeat submission rules Solve the problem of reading parameters: HttpServletRequest and RepeatedlyRequestWrapper Summary Ruoyi is an open source background management system based on Spring Boot […]

The meaning of ratio in LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections and the description of intersection points of LineSegmentIntersector

osg uses the LineSegmentIntersector and IntersectionVisitor classes in the osgUtil library to find the intersection of the line segment and the 3D model The following code: #include <QtCore/QCoreApplication> #include <osgViewer/Viewer> #include <osgViewer/ViewerEventHandlers> #include <osgViewer/CompositeViewer> #include <osgUtil/IntersectionVisitor> #include <osgUtil/LineSegmentIntersector> #include <iostream> //create box osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> createBox() { osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> geode1 = new osg::Geode; auto box1 = new osg::ShapeDrawable(new […]

How to use setinterval in js? How can setinterval stop?

setinterval() is a function called regularly, which can call functions or calculate expressions according to the specified period (in milliseconds). The function of setinterval() is to call the function, method or object at regular intervals while playing the animation. The setInterval() method will keep calling the function until clearInterval() is called or the window is […]

OpenFeign calls microservices to use RequestInterceptor or @RequestHeader to pass http request header information

Records: 391 Scenario: When calling the microservice Restful interface based on Spring Cloud OpenFeign, the request header is passed from service A to service B. You can use the RequestInterceptor interface or @RequestHeader annotation to pass the request header information. Version: JDK 1.8, SpringBoot 2.6.3, springCloud 2021.0.1 1. Use RequestInterceptor to pass request header information […]

[Solved] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.startInternal Context[/SpringMVC] failed to start due to previous error

Tomcat failed to start **org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.startInternal Context[/SpringMVC] failed to start due to previous error** Open Maven configuration file Set the packaging method to war <packaging>war</packaging> If it still doesn’t work at this time, open Maven Projects and manually import the pom.xml file

[Solved] Problems and solutions when using nextLine(), nextInt() and next() in Scanner

1. Questions Code: import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Scanner; public class JavaDemo {<!– –> public static void main(String[] args) {<!– –> // read from keyboard Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); //Create ArrayList collection object ArrayList<Student> students = new ArrayList<>(); //Enter 5 student information in a loop and store it in the ArrayList collection for (int i = […]

[Solved] The RequestInterceptor in Open Feign cannot get the solution to the HttpServletRequest problem

Problem reproduced: In the case of Hystrix using open fegin, when the current thread request is passed to the downstream, it is found that the HttpServletRequest obtained from the RequestContextHolder is empty. @Override public void apply(RequestTemplate requestTemplate) { logger.info(“Execute Feign interceptor, process request header…”); ServletRequestAttributes requestAttributes = (ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes(); if (Objects.nonNull(requestAttributes)) { HttpServletRequest request = […]