[Software installation] tmux installation and related matters

tmux installation and related matters tmux is a terminal multiplexing tool that can run multiple terminal sessions simultaneously in a single terminal window. Installing tmux can improve work efficiency and make command line operations more convenient. 1. Install tmux: In Linux systems, you can use the package manager to install tmux. For example, in Ubuntu […]

Ultimate Shell: Zsh (CentOS7 installation zsh + Oh my zsh + tmux)

CentOS7 installation zsh and configuration Oh my zsh When we operate the Linux terminal through the Shell, most of the configuration, color differentiation, and command prompts cannot achieve the results we expected or the operations are relatively cumbersome. Today I will introduce the ultimate and easy-to-use terminal software for Linux-like systems. It is called the […]

Server – configure and install Git LFS | BWM-NG | Tmux | BOS and other commands

Welcome to my CSDN: https://spike.blog.csdn.net/ Address of this article: https://blog.csdn.net/caroline_wendy/article/details/131302104 Build the experimental Docker: nvidia-docker run -it –name git-lfs-[your name] –net=host -p [port]:[port] -v [nfs path]:[nfs path] glm:nvidia-pytorch -1.11.0-cu116-py3 1. Configure Git LFS Git LFS is a tool that extends Git to allow you to more easily manage large files such as audio, video, datasets, […]

Configuration tools (tmux+ranger+lazygit)

Tmux Introduction Official website explanation: tmux is a terminal multiplexer: it allows multiple terminals to be created, accessed and controlled on a single screen. tmux can detach from the screen, continue running in the background, and reattach later. This release runs on Open BSD, Free BSD, Net BSD, Linux, mac OS, and Solaris. Official website […]

[Solved] tmux configuration error: tmux.conf: ambiguous option: mouse

Questions enter tmux Error: tmux.conf62: ambiguous option: mouse Found line 62 This is a configuration that tmux supports mouse operation. Because of the error, the tmux window cannot support the mouse selection function. Reason tmux version problem Versions after tmux2.1: set-option -g mouse on Versions before tmux2.1: setw -g mouse-resize-pane on setw -g mouse-select-pane on […]