ClickHouse Java multi-parameter UDF

1. Environment version Environment Version docker clickhouse docker pull clickhouse/clickhouse-server: 2. XML configuration 2.1 Configuration File # Create udf configuration file vim /etc/clickhouse-server/demo_function.xml <functions> <function> <type>executable</type> <!–udf function name–> <name>demo_clickhouse_udf</name> <!–Return value type–> <return_type>String</return_type> <!–Return value name, the default value is result–> <!–When the format is JSONEachRow, get the result field in the returned […]

Instructions for calling python-udf using Java flink (sql and table)

1. Environment description The following tests are based on centos7.8 + flink1.14 + jdk1.8 + python3.8 + pyflink1.14. This article only introduces the installation of python3.8 and pyflink1.14. The installation of other environments is done by Baidu. 2. Environment installation of Python 3.8 Python3.8 installation package download link: Baidu network disk download extraction code: f25h […]

Customized udf and udaf function statistics uv in SPARK SQL (using bitmap)

Customized udf and udaf function statistics uv in SPARK SQL (using bitmap) When counting UVs in actual work, the count(distinct userId) method is generally used to count people, but this is not efficient. Suppose you are counting data in multiple dimensions. When one day you want to roll up the dimensions, then It is also […]

Spark_SQL function definition (define UDF function, use window function)

1. UDF function definition (1) Function definition (2) Spark supports defining functions (3) Define UDF function (4) Define UDF that returns Array type (5) Define UDF that returns dictionary type 2. Window function (1) Brief description of windowing function (2) Syntax of window function 1. UDF function definition (1) Function definition Whether Hive or SparkSQL […]

Target drone Raven2 / UDF privilege escalation

Raven2 Information collection Survival detection Detailed scan Background scanning dirsearch -u -x 403 # Filter background pages with status code 403 Webshell Vulnerability discovery Access the scanned background page /vendor page Found that the website uses PHPMailer PHPMailer is a PHP library for sending emails. It provides a simple and flexible way to send […]

Spark [Spark SQL (4) UDF function and UDAF function]

UDF functions UDF is a function that our users can customize. We call the register (name: String, func (A1, A2, A3…)) method of udf through the SparkSession object to register a custom function. Among them, name is our customized function name, and func is our customized function, which can have many parameters. Through the UDF […]

How to implement a UDF for a database? The design and thinking behind the graph database NebulaGraph UDF function

Hello everyone, I am Zhao Junnan, directly employed by BOSS. I am mainly responsible for security-related graph storage work. As a loyal user who has used versions from v1.x to v3.x, I have witnessed the development of NebulaGraph and grown with it. BOSS direct recruitment and NebulaGraph Regarding the application scenarios of NebulaGraph in BOSS […]

Use cloudflare to build GitHub acceleration station

Based on the open source project gh-proxy address: cloudflare address: First visit cloudflare to register an account of your own Then click works After this interface pops up, you need to enter the name of your own workers in the input box. Please note! Be sure to remember it easily, don’t type it […]