Use poi to copy the excel sheet page content into word to generate table cell content data copy tool: (font size, color, position, bold, underline… cell background color, width, height)

Styles include: 1. Fonts in cells 1.1 Fonts in cells: size, color, position, bold, underline… 2. Cell background color, width, height, wireframe… 2.1 The cell width is read from excel and scaled according to the working width of word 2.2 The cell height is the height read by excel /** * Font position mapping collection […]

A useful text underline plug-in for Unity that can implement click events

using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using UnityEngine.UI; class UnderlineProperty { public Color _color; public Vector3 _position; public float _width; public float _height; public Vector2 _privot; } [RequireComponent(typeof(Text))] public class MyUnderLineText : MonoBehaviour, IPointerDownHandler, IPointerUpHandler { private Text _text; private int _curCharacterCount = 0; private List<Image> _lines = new List<Image>(); private System.Action _clickEvent […]

Add underline effect to label in echarts

Effect display As shown in the figure below, the data on the y-axis are underlined. Implementation ideas After seeing this requirement, I immediately went to the echarts official website to check the relevant configuration items, looking for configurations that might be able to achieve this effect, and mainly tried these types. 1. borderType + borderColor […]

String tool class (determine whether Collection/object array/Map/string/object is empty/non-empty, determine whether an object is an array type, whether it contains a string, camel case underline conversion) and StrFormat string formatting

StringUtils /** * String tool class * * @author ruoyi */ public class StringUtils extends org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils {<!– –> /** * empty string */ private static final String NULLSTR = “”; /** * underscore */ private static final char SEPARATOR = ‘_’; /** * get parameter is not empty * * @param value defaultValue The value […]

[Teaching-29-03] 20230409 “House Number – Sticky Edition (5 layers * 5 rooms) underlined on gray background” – (Middle class “I Love My Home” partial mathematics)

Article style: Background requirements In the teaching practice of the sticky version of the house number, it was found that 90% of the children could not do 1. Spaces are not evenly distributed: From the house number of 5*6=30, 5 blanks are randomly selected, and there is an 80% probability that “one row has 2 […]

An implementation of an underlined footer control

Reference image Code Implementation import android. content. Context; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import android. graphics. Paint; import; import android.text.Layout; import android.text.TextPaint; import android.util.AttributeSet; import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextView; import com.hl.sun.R; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; public class UnderLineNoteTextView extends AppCompatTextView {<!– –> //underline starting point and footnote information private ArrayList<TextLineInfo> mInfos = new ArrayList<>(); private Rect […]

[Solved] About the problem that the Sharding-JDBC data source configuration has an underline error

Directory foreword Preamble failure to reproduce Debugging Tour disprove Foreword Here is an exploration of the problems that cannot be read after the data source is configured with underscores. In the last article, I emphasized this issue in the article, and it was ambiguous on the Internet. The official documentation did not give detailed instructions, […]