Understand image formats RAW, RGB, YUV, Packed/Unpacked, Bayer, MIPI, Planar, Semi-Planar, Interleaved in one article

Table of Contents 1. General attributes 1.Packed/Unpacked 2. Compressed/uncompressed 2. RAW 1. Bayer format 2. Classification 3. MIPI RAW 3. RGB Classification 4. YUV 1. YUV to RGB conversion 2. Classification 3. Memory computing 5. Compression format Some people miss it and will never find it again in their lifetime. This article analyzes in detail […]

[OpenCV image implementation: Use Python to generate image special effects, error ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 3)]

Article directory summary Read in image Change a single channel black and white special effects color inversion Split the image into four sub-parts Summary Python is a powerful programming language and one of the commonly used tools in the field of image processing. By using Python’s image processing libraries (such as Pillow, OpenCV, etc.), developers […]

YOLOv8 successfully solved ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 0) and `No such file or directory, etc.

yolov8 training: data structure mydata ├── Annotations ├── images ├── ImageSets ├── labels ├── all.yaml ├── text.txt ├── train.txt ├── val.txt └── labels all.yaml train: F:/YOLOV8/ultralytics-main/ultralytics/models/yolo/detect/mydata/train.txt val: F:/YOLOV8/ultralytics-main/ultralytics/models/yolo/detect/mydata/val.txt test: F:/YOLOV8/ultralytics-main/ultralytics/models/yolo/detect/mydata/test.txt # number of classes NC: 6 # class names names: [‘storage tanks’, ‘valve’, ‘person’, ‘fire’, ‘toxic substances’, ‘boat’] Label format: 0 0.10595703125 0.6002928257686677 0.1337890625 0.30453879941434847 […]

Netty practice — Netty handles sticky packet unpacking

TCP packet sticking/unpacking TCP processes data in a streaming manner. Unpacking: A complete data packet may be split into multiple packets by TCP for sending. Sticky packets: TCP may stick multiple small packets into one large data packet. Introduce dependency packages: <dependency> <groupId>io.netty</groupId> <artifactId>netty-all</artifactId> <version>4.1.29.Final</version> </dependency> Example of sticky package unpacking: Server EchoServer: /** * […]

JAVA Deepening Chapter_03–Packaging class, automatic unpacking and caching issues

Wrapper classes for basic data types The eight basic data types we learned earlier are not objects. In order to convert basic type data and objects into each other,Java provides corresponding wrapper classes for each basic data type. Basic knowledge of packaging Java is an object-oriented language, but it is not “purely object-oriented” because the […]

Netty unpacking and sticking problem

Netty uses the TCP/IP protocol, so it will inevitably encounter the problem of unpacking and sticking. Netty also provides relevant solutions and records how Netty solves the problem of unpacking and sticking. The TCP/IP protocol is a “stream” protocol, which is a data transmission method similar to water flow. When we request multiple times, there […]

Software protection technology: packing and unpacking

A brief analysis of the packing principle: 1. What is a shell: A type of software that is specifically responsible for compressing the program size, or protecting a program from illegal modification and reverse analysis. By attaching its own code to the protected object (original program), the shell executes the original program code in the […]

Linux CentOS installation packet capture and unpacking tool Wireshark graphical interface

1. Introduction to Wireshark Wireshark is an open source network protocol analysis tool that captures and analyzes network packets, providing in-depth network troubleshooting, network performance optimization, and security auditing. It is supported across multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. 2. Main methods of using Wireshark Capture packets: Open Wireshark and select the network […]