C++ Standard Templates (STL) – Type Support (type attributes, is_abstract, is_signed, is_unsigned)

Type attributes A type attribute defines a compile-time template-based structure for querying or modifying the properties of a type. Attempting to specialize a template defined in the header results in undefined behavior, except that std::common_type can be specialized as described. Templates defined in the header file may be instantiated with incomplete types unless otherwise specified, […]

[C Language | Keywords] Detailed explanation of 32 keywords in C language (2) – modified type part (auto, signed, unsigned, static, extern, const, register, volatile)

Blog homepage:https://blog.csdn.net/wkd_007 Blog content:Embedded development, Linux, C language, C++, data structure, audio and video Content of this article:Introducing the 32 keywords of the standard C language Golden sayings to share:You must try it if you have the chance. In fact, the cost of trial and error is not high, but the cost of missing out […]

Analyze the storage of data in memory and improve the shaping of unsigned numbers

Table of Contents Preface 1. Storage of plastic data in memory 1. char type 2. int type 2. Floating point type Detailed explanation of storage format Access float variables as int* Access int variables as float* Summarize Foreword In the fields of computer science and data processing, understanding how data is stored in memory is […]

FPGA-based Verilog language signed unsigned operation && different bit width operations (boring chatter)

This article takes quartus as an example, and uses Verilog language to simply write verification. It also introduces common assignment operations, and readers can use the attached program to verify and understand. It is amazing that machine operations can only complete the simplest “1 + 1”, while “1 + 1” can complete the addition and […]

Learning summary (bit operator; three ways to loop input; three ways to exchange two variable values; print the binary corresponding to the number; the difference between unsigned int and int; change the specific digit 0/1; && and || Continuous operation (combined with front and rear))

1. Print the binary corresponding to the number (and count the number of occurrences of 1) For integers and floating-point numbers, they are stored by their two’s complement when they are stored in the computer, including operations on numbers, which essentially operate on their two’s complement; On a 32-bit machine, an integer corresponds to 32 […]

Write an assembly program to search the unsigned array for the unsigned number input from the keyboard, if it exists, output the position of the number in the array and the number, and if it does not exist, output an error message.

Reminder: The following is the text of this article, the following case is for reference Reminder: The following is the text of this article, the following case is for reference The code is as follows (example): DATA SEGMENT data1 dw 0,1,2,3233,4,5,6,7,8,9 INPUTTIPS DB ‘Please input score,divided with ” “:$’ ERRORTIPS DB ‘input ERROR!, please try […]

learn_C_deep_5 (review the past and learn the new, deep understanding of sigend char a = -128, writing specification of unsigned int type)

Directory Learning from the past Understanding “unsigned int a = -10;” How to understand big and small endian The concept of big and small How endianness affects data storage Deep understanding of sigend char a = -128 Why is 10000000 -128 instead of -0 code exercise Specification of the unsigned int type Learn the old […]

learn_C_deep_4 (type and variable naming, what sizeof(int) *p means, the concept of original code, inverse code and complement code, why should it be converted to binary system, unsigned and signed keywords when calculating data in the computer)

Directory Type and variable naming Why does C language have types? Why are there so many data types Variable Naming Rules variable naming convention Define variables must be initialized What does sizeof(int) *p mean The concept of original code, complement code and complement code Why is it necessary to switch to the secondary system when […]

C language type conversion and unsigned output of negative numbers

1. Concepts related to type conversion (1) Type conversion classification: automatic type conversion (referred to as “autorotation”) and mandatory type conversion (referred to as “forced conversion”). (2) Type promotion: Before the compiler performs operations on the operands, it converts all operands into operand types with a larger value range. (3) Purpose of type promotion: to […]