iOS in-app packet capture, NSURLProtocol intercepts network requests within APP

Foreword When developing, you need to obtain data in the SDK. Since you cannot see the code, you can only monitor all network request data and intercept the corresponding return data. This can be achieved through NSURLProtocol, and can also be used to interact with H5. 1. NSURLProtocol intercepts requests 1. Introduction to NSURLProtoco Official […]

java downloads files to the local tool class by specifying the URL address (including https digital signature request)

java downloads files to the local tool class by specifying the URL address (including https digital signature request) XFileUtils public class XFileUtils {<!– –> /** * Download files from network Url * @param urlStr url path * @throwsIOException */ public static String downLoadByUrl(String urlStr,String savePath, String fileName) {<!– –> if (StrUtil.isBlank(fileName)) {<!– –> fileName = […]

PHP Curl request encapsulation

curl request module encapsulation in php <?php namespace App\Utils; /** * http tool class * @author Administrator * */ class HttpUtils { private static $_instance; private function __construct() { } public static function getInstance() { if( null == self::$_instance ) { self::$_instance = new HttpUtils(); } return self::$_instance; } /** * http curl request * […]

iOS uses NSURLSession to implement background upload and download

The basic logic of NSURLSession background upload is: first create a background mode NSURLSessionConfiguration, then create an NSURLSession through this configuration, then create the relevant NSURLSessionTask, and finally process the relevant proxy events. 1. Create NSURLSession – (NSURLSession *)backgroundURLSession { static NSURLSession *session = nil; static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once( & amp;onceToken, ^{ NSURLSessionConfiguration* sessionConfig = […]

Alipay URL Scheme is the most complete in the entire network, and the startActivity address is being updated.

The following is the Scheme protocol address that I sorted out the Alipay APP software and compiled in practical applications. I want to share it with you. If you don’t have any, you can comment @ me. I’m looking for additional protocol addresses. //Alipay: alipay:// //receipt: alipays://platformapi/startapp?appId=20000123 //Scan code: alipays://platformapi/startapp?saId=10000007 //Yue Bao: alipays://platformapi/startapp?appId=20000032 //transfer: alipays://platformapi/startapp?appId=20000221 […]

curl (2) HTTP protocol and headers

1 HTTP protocol related ① Force the request to http1.0 7.29 version ‘default’ is http1.1 ② Check whether the current curl version supports http2 Method ‘2’: curl –version to see ‘Features’ Supplement: ‘7.33.0’ version has only ‘introduced’ http2, and can use ‘curl’ to issue http2.0 version ‘requests’ ③ Forced to send http3 Instructions: Just ‘Understand’ […]

curl command in Linux

curl is a tool for transferring data from or to a server. It supports these protocols: DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, GOPHER, gopers, Http, https, imap, imaps, ldap, ldaps, mqtt, pop3, pop3s, rtmp, rtmp, rtsp, scp, sftp, smb, smbs, smtp , smtps, telnet, tftp, ws WSS. This command is designed to work without user interaction. Options: […]

Big data preprocessing and collection experiment three: Urllib’s GET and POST requests (1)

Table of Contents Urllib basic operations-GET ?No UTF-8 encoded output ?Output after utf-8decode ? Timeout parameter: capture exceptions caused by connection timeout ◆Basic operation of Urllib-customized request header ? Add multiple access parameters to the GET request ◆Basic operation of Urllib-POST ?Youdao Dictionary web crawling: Headers of the found data packets can record the relevant […]

github, git, google: clang-front-end plug-in-add curly braces to various “blocks” without curly braces-based on llvm15–clang-plugin-add-brace—–google mirror

Processed statements case Terminology conventions or memos The starting and ending range of case: from the colon to the beginning of the next ‘case’, the abbreviation is: case inside, case content Ast: Abstract syntax tree: abstract syntax tree Case without curly braces If any of the following conditions are true in a case, the case […]

Solving CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED for url <

Table of Contents Solve CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED for url error 1. Check network connection 2. Change the Conda image source 3. Use a proxy 4. Upgrade Conda version 5. Reconfigure the environment in conclusion Solve CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED for url error When using Conda for Python package management and […]