Principles of using eBPF in Android and examples of kprobe dmabuf_setup

Table of Contents eBPF in Android Android eBPF kprobe dma code Define a MAP Define a PROG bpfprogs/Android.bp test program bpfprogs/memstats/Android.bp bpfprogs/memstats/MemStats.h bpfprogs/memstats/MemStats.cpp bpfprogs/memstats/MemStatsMain.cpp Compile and run Result analysis summary eBPF in Android Official website: The official Android website has a more detailed introduction. For official examples of using eBPF in Android, you can […]

Open source software FFmpeg generates models using image data sets

This article talks about the open source software ffmpeg, which has helped countless video software companies, countless online video websites, and countless CDN cloud service vendors. Share how to use it to convert various video or movie files into tens of thousands of image data sets and wallpaper collections, so that the model program in […]

Using JsSIP for audio and video calls in Vue

JsSIP official website address: Download the JsSIP plug-in: npm install jssip; Introduced into the project: import JsSIP from “jssip”; Initialize SIP let currentSession; let userAgent; let peer; var msg_log = null; sip_init () {<!– –> let _this = this; msg_log = {<!– –> el: document.querySelector(“.message”), log(msg) {<!– –> console.log(“msg”, msg); this.titleText = msg; this.el.innerHTML […]

Linear regression predicts Boston housing prices & the reason for loss is NAN & draws a scatter plot to find the relationship between features and labels

Boston house price csv file Link: Extraction code: vufb Code %matplotlib inline import random import torch import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch Get the data set from CSV # Load data, the first line is a useless line, skip it directly boston = pd.read_csv(‘../data/boston_house_prices.csv’,skiprows=[0]) # There […]

Linux performance optimization using Tuned configuration optimization solution

Write in front Organizing notes related to exams The blog post covers a simple understanding of Linux tuned tuning tools A brief description of tuning configuration files and an introduction to custom tuning solutions If you don’t understand enough, please help me correct it. There is only one true responsibility for everyone: to find themselves. […]

A brief discussion on using FlinkKafkaProducer to implement Exactly Once semantics on the sink side

Abstract In some important flink data processing scenarios, it is necessary to implement Exactly Once data processing. Exactly Once means that when flink processes data, it can ensure that data is not lost and data is not repeated. The entire flink processing link is roughly divided into three links: Source -> Transform -> Sink. Selecting […]

Designing IIR digital filter using bilinear transformation method

1. Experimental purpose 1. Be familiar with the principles and methods of designing IIR digital filters using bilinear transformation method. 2. Master the computer simulation method of digital filters. 3. Obtain perceptual knowledge of digital filtering by observing the filtering effect on actual electrocardiogram signals. 2. Experimental content 1. Use bilinear transformation method to design […]