Istio Practical Practice (12)-Istio Extends the Validity Period of Self-Issued Certificates

For historical reasons, Istio’s self-signed certificates are only valid for one year. If you choose to use Istio’s self-signed certificates, you’ll need to plan to replace your root certificates before they expire. Expired root certificates can cause unexpected cluster-wide outages. We believe that replacing root certificates and keys every year is a security best practice, […]

18 | Beware of others: check the validity of the data

In the previous lecture, we carefully analyzed the causes of failures, and already knew that in order to deal with various failures that may occur, defenses must be done in the program. In this lecture, we continue the previous discussion and take a look at what else we need to prepare in order to enhance […]

Defensive programming under DDD architecture: 5 major levels jointly ensure the validity of business data

1. Rule verification is the basis for accuracy Rule verification is an important means of ensuring business stability. Through rule verification, the correctness and compliance of the system or business logic can be verified and ensured, and potential errors and problems can be avoided. The omission of rules is often accompanied by the emergence of […]

Validity test of new responsive image attributes srcset, sizes, and media

1. Write in front Test time: 2018/3/28 Testing tools and methods: Firefox developer edition-responsive design mode of mozila browser 2. Knowledge points involved CSS Media Queries-MDN Responsive images – srcset and sizes attributes Responsive images English information 1 English information 2 3. Summary of test items and results (1) Test pictures (100px, 300px, 600px, 800px) […]

EasyExcel+POI creates Excel templates with validity verification and drop-down linkage

Article directory 1.Background 2. Excel features that implement functions 2.1.Feature introduction 2.2. Drop-down box linkage 2.3. Cells automatically match IDs 2.4. Error message 3. Code implementation 3.1.Basic process code 3.2. Name manager configuration 3.3. Validity configuration 3.4. Function filling 3.5. Other supplements 4. Summary 1.Background Recently, I have been working on a related requirement for […]

Java ID card validity verification tool class

package com.idc.util; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; /** * <p> * ID verification *</p> * * <pre> * –15-digit ID card number: the 7th and 8th digits are the year of birth (two digits), the 9th and 10th digits are the month of birth, the 11th and 12th […]

Linked list problem-discussion on the invalidity of swap(p,q) in the pairwise exchange linked list [adjacent nodes]

Article directory Exchange the nodes in the linked list two by two Problem Description Enter description output description input example output example answer full code Discussion on invalidity of swap(p,q) to feel Talking about IT class What are the pros and cons other ways Pairwise exchange of nodes in the linked list Description of the […]

MyBatisPlus data automatic encryption and decryption access and field tamper-proof validity check code automatic generation storage processor

The overall principle: use the Mybatis interceptor to intercept ResultSetHandler, and perform attribute decryption and integrity proofreading. Replace the default ParameterHandler handler. Do attribute encrypted storage and integrity encrypted storage. The code structure is as follows: Explanation of each function class: 1. EntityClassResolver: used to resolve the Entity parameters of the current MapperStatament. 2. EntityValueHelper: […]

Use stdio.h stdlib.h to realize utf-8 to utf-16, use malloc to apply for memory in the function, and check the validity at the same time, output error

The following is a simple example of converting utf-8 to utf-16 using stdio.h and stdlib.h, while taking into account some error conditions: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #define UNICODE_ERR -1 #define MALLOC_ERR -2 int utf8_to_utf16(uint8_t *utf8, uint16_t **utf16) { int len = 0; // The required length of the utf16 array int len_utf8 = […]