@CreateCache: In-depth analysis of its functions and advantages

1. Preface to @CreateCache In modern web application development, caching is one of the important means to improve performance and response speed. The @CreateCache annotation is an annotation used to create caches in the JetCache framework. This article will introduce the @CreateCache annotation and its role in cache management. 2. @CreateCache usage example The following […]

Pandas 2.0 main advantages and code implementation

Foreword After the official release of pandas 2.0.0, it caused an uproar in the data science community. Due to its wide functionality and versatility, data manipulation is almost impossible to do without importpandas as pd, right? Now, hear me out: with all the big language model buzz going on over the past few months, I […]

Data Permissions – Field Permissions [Practice – Explain in detail how to implement it based on relevant business] (based on the Ruoyi framework)

Look at this theory https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_41842550/article/details/119890216 Write the directory title here Implement data permissions according to department structure and user data 1. Required basic data 1 System Management–Department Management–Add the following structure 2 System Management–Role Management–Add two roles 3 System Management–User Management–Add 7 users 2. Screenshots and code implementation are as follows 1 Create a table […]

vant ui compresses images before uploading (about 200K)

1. Components <template> <div class=”component-upload-image”> <van-uploader v-model=”fileList” style=”margin-right: 10px” accept=”image/gif, image/jpg, image/jpeg, image/png” :max-count=”5″ upload-icon=”plus” :before-read=”beforeRead” :before-delete=”beforeDelete” :after-read=”afterRead” capture=”camera” /> </div> </template> ? <script> import { getToken } from “@/utils/auth”; import { Toast } from “vant”; import axios from “axios”; import { getUploadFile } from “@/api/report”; ? export default { name: “UploadFileh5”, props: { value: […]

Illustration | Why Python multithreading cannot take advantage of multiple cores

1. Global interpretation lock For example: Why can’t Python’s multi-threading take advantage of multi-core processors? Global Interpreter Lock (Global Interpreter Lock) is a mechanism used by computer programming language interpreters to synchronize threads, which allows only one thread to be executed at any time. Even on multi-core processors, interpreters using GIL only allow one thread […]

[Multi-threading] The concept of threads {heap area management in the Linux kernel; conversion of virtual addresses to physical addresses, pages, page frames, page tables, MMU memory management units; Linux thread concepts, lightweight processes; thread sharing processes Resources; Advantages and Disadvantages of Threads; Purpose of Threads}

1. Supplementary content 1.1 Heap area management in Linux kernel vm_area_struct (VMA) is a data structure in the Linux kernel, which represents a heap memory area in the process virtual memory space. It is used to track various properties and information about the heap memory area, such as starting and ending addresses, permissions, flags, and […]

Four examples of automated testing models and their advantages and disadvantages

1. Linear test 1. Concept: A linear script generated by recording or writing the steps corresponding to the application. Simply to simulate the user’s complete operation scenario. (operations, repeated operations, data) all mixed together. 2. Advantages: Each script is relatively independent and does not generate other dependencies or calls. 3. Disadvantages: The development cost is […]

Relevant steps for sending email verification codes through flask-mail and asynchronous processing and sending emails through Celery

Relevant steps for sending email verification codes and verification through flask-mail and asynchronous processing and sending emails through Celery 1. Send emails through flask-mail 1.1 Install the flask-mail package in the terminal` 1.2 Configure mail server 1.3 Send email 1.3.1 Create Flask-Mail instance 1.3.2 Send email 2. Cache verification code 2.1 Install and create cache […]

Redis can not only store strings, but also List, Set, Hash, and Zset. What advantages can it bring to you if used correctly?

Article directory Application scenarios of the five major data types of Redis 1. String 2. Hash 3. List 4. Set 5. Zset I am Liao Zhiwei, a Java development engineer, high-quality creator in the Java field, CSDN blog expert, 51CTO expert blogger, Alibaba Cloud expert blogger, Tsinghua University Press contracted author, product soft article creator, […]

Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of six methods of packaging Python code

Python is a high-level programming language that is easy to learn, easy to use, and cross-platform, so it has been widely used in development. However, Python code needs to be run in the Python interpreter, which may be inconvenient for some users. As an interpreted language, Python makes the source code public upon release. Although […]