React technical principles and code development practice: React form processing and verification

1. Background Introduction Currently, front-end technology is changing with each passing day, and new technologies are emerging one after another. React, as the most popular Javascript library at the moment, is increasingly favored by developers. React is known as “the Facebook of JavaScript”. Its advantages include componentization, declarative programming, JSX syntax, etc., and React Hooks […]

HttpClient-forward proxy and signature verification

Article directory Introduction practice HttpClientBuilder Customized chain of responsibility test Introduction HttpClientBuilder is an http client construction class of Apache. By inheriting the construction class, signature verification can be added, so that signature verification can be carried when sending requests uniformly. Customized MyHttpClientBuilder adds a new link to the chain of responsibility Practice HttpClientBuilder HttpClientBuilder […]

Spring Boot implements various parameter verifications. It is so well written. It is recommended to collect it!

Hello everyone, I am a passerby~~~ Click on the card below to follow me, java dry goods will be delivered in time I have written an article about the use of Spring Validation before, but I still feel that I am superficial. This time I plan to thoroughly understand Spring Validation. This article will introduce […]

Data verification: Spring Validation

Spring Validation Overview During development, we often encounter the need for parameter verification. For example, when a user registers, it is necessary to verify that the user name cannot be empty, the length of the user name does not exceed 20 characters, the mobile phone number is in a legal mobile phone number format, etc. […]

[Java tool class] Generate random image verification code and convert it to Base64 code

Article Directory Table of Contents Article Table of Contents Text 1. Directly upload the code 2. Things to note 3. Test 4. Get Base64 code Text 1. Directly upload the code package; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import java.util.Base64; import java.util.Random; public class ImageCodeCreate { /** * long */ […]

CNN model training–Code practice for verification code identification

Tip: After the article is written, the table of contents can be automatically generated. For how to generate it, please refer to the help document on the right. Article directory Summary Abstract CNN model training–Verification code identification 1. Code practice 2. Clarify training needs 3. Collect training data 4. CNN network architecture 5. Model training […]

antd-vue + vue3 realizes the dynamic addition and deletion of rows in a-table, and implements in-row input verification in a-table through a-from

1. Renderings Figure 1: Verification effect 2. Main code Note: 1. The form and table are bound to the same data tableSource and it is a data (ElementUI requires an object package array) 2. The form uses name binding -> :name=”[index, ‘vlan_id’]” 3. Form-item always needs to add rules -> :rules=”rules.blur” <a-form ref=”tableFormRef” :model=”tableSource” :label-col=”{ […]

Parameter verification—The gin framework uses the built-in validator

1. Description of special symbols before marking Comma (,): separate multiple verification tags. Note that there cannot be spaces between commas Horizontal dash (-): This field is not verified and skipped Vertical bar (|): Use multiple verification tags, but only one of them needs to be satisfied. required: indicates that the field must be set […]