How to use viewer filtering and search functions to locate data?

Foreword We’ve discussed how Observation Cloud enables more comprehensive data correlation analysis by connecting built-in views to viewers. (See “Built-in view linkage viewer to achieve data correlation analysis”) The viewer mentioned here is actually a comprehensive and powerful data viewing and analysis tool. It provides a variety of search and filtering methods, and supports combinations […]

PE dump bytecode viewer

Writing of own code viewer for PE files #include<Windows.h> #include<Richedit.h> #include<CommCtrl.h> #pragma comment(lib,”comctl32.lib”) #include<strsafe.h> #include<stdio.h> #include”resource.h” //TCHAR szAppName[MAX_PATH] = TEXT(“PE”); HANDLE hInstance, hWinMain, hWinEdit, hRichEdit; int dwStop, totalSize; char* lpMemory; DWORD WINAPI _OpenFile(LPVOID); void _Processing(); void _AppendInfo(const TCHAR* lpsz);//Append text to the text box void init(); void Exception(void); BOOL CALLBACK DlgProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); void […]

build g2o viewer on macos

this work is to contribute to SLAM 14 book chapter 11. build libQGLViewer build libQGLViewer, as we will use qt5, its corresponding version is 2.7.2 git clone -b v2.7.2 change QMAKE_MAC_SDK in example/example.pri QMAKE_MAC_SDK = macosx12.3 usexcodebuild -showsdks to show your macos sdk version. 3. build qmake -spec macx-clang make -j4 install QGLViewer.framework will […]

Create a picture viewer application using PyQt5

Create an image viewer application using PyQt5 Author: Quiet to Silent Personal Homepage In this tutorial, we will create a simple image viewer application using the PyQt5 library. This application displays a series of images and allows users to switch and jump to different images with buttons. 1. Preparation First, we need to install the […]


Original address: Link Content Previewer Not only do I love blogging, I love reading blogs too! Traditionally, when bloggers mention some science-based fact or quote another post, they have to add a link to the source. For the reader, the question is, is it worth stopping to read the post and switching to the […]

Compilation and use of libQGLViewer

Article directory Compilation and use of libQGLViewer 1 Introduction 2 libQGLViewer development environment construction 2.1 Download and installation of Qt Creator 2.2 Download and compile libQGLViewer 2.3 Install the QGLViewer control plug-in for Qt Designer (optional) 2.3 Some issues about the QGLViewer control plug-in of Qt Designer 3 Call it in your own project 4 […]

.NET PDF to text (Tesseract OCR + PdfiumViewer)

Environment setup refer to: Tesseract OCR: .NET Tesseract OCR – Nuggets ( PdfiumViewer: .NET Convert PDF to image using PdfiumViewer – Nuggets ( Code integration Create OCRHelper.cs using System; using System.IO; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Tesseract; namespace OCR_7 { public static class OCRHelper { private static string imagePath = $”{Environment.CurrentDirectory}/ocr_file/image_{GuidTo16String()}”; private static string tesseractPath = $@”Z:\.net_project\OCR_7\OCR_7\file\tesseract”; […]

[Flutter] Flutter uses photo_view to implement a picture viewer

[Flutter] Flutter uses photo_view to implement a picture viewer Article directory I. Introduction 2. Introduction to photo_view 3. Installation and basic use 4. Use PhotoViewGallery to display multiple pictures 5. Complete example 6. Summary 1. Preface Hello everyone, I am Xiaoyu Qingnian. Today I want to introduce to you a very practical picture viewer package […]

Develop image preview desktop application using Electron, Vite, ViewerJS and React

Background I am currently working on an open source project – pear-rec. Pear-rec is a cross-platform screenshot, screen recording, audio and video software. The screenshot function has been discussed in the previous article. If you haven’t seen it, you can read this article – I will teach you step by step how to use electron […]