12 Atomicity|Visibility|Ordering|JMM memory model

Table of Contents 1 Three major characteristics of concurrency 1.1 Atomicity 1.2 Visibility 1.3 Orderliness 2 Java Memory Model JMM 2.1 Abstract structure of JMM 2.2 Main memory and working memory interaction protocol 2.3 Memory semantics of locks 2.4 volatile memory semantics 2.4.1 Semantics of volatile writing 2.4.2 Semantics of volatile read 2.4.3 Implementation principle […]

Thread visibility (keyword volatile)

Table of Contents Let me demonstrate this invisibility below: So how to solve this invisibility? Thread visibility means that when multiple threads access shared variables at the same time, modifications to variables by one thread can be immediately seen by other threads. Failure to properly handle thread visibility can lead to data inconsistencies or unexpected […]

Public, private and protected class visibility modes in javascript

Public, private and protected class visibility modes in javascript Public Class As part of ES2015, it supports public fields (no field syntax), public getters / setters and public methods, as well as public static getters / setters and public static methods. Here is an example that includes all the methods mentioned above: class Person {<!– […]

How to hide an element but retain its space (display:nonevsvisibility:hidden) in CSS?

Gathering sand into a tower, making a little progress every day ? Column introduction ? Hide elements but retain space ? `display: none;` ? `visibility: hidden;` ? Summarize ?Write at the end ? Column introduction Front-end Getting Started Tour: Exploring the Wonderful World of Web Development Welcome to the Front-End Getting Started Tour! If you […]

visibility and overflow

display@3 Property description: Sets or gets whether and how the object is displayed Version Change: Yes Syntax Template: display: none | inline | block | list-item | inline-block | table | inline-table | table-caption | table-cell | table-row | table-row-group | table-column | table-column -group | table-footer-group | table-header-group | run-in@3 | flex@3 | inline-flex@3 […]

VarHandle: A powerful tool to ensure variable read and write visibility, order, and atomicity in Java9

Article directory 1. What is VarHandle 0. JMM 1. Implementation of lock-free technology before jdk9 Two, VarHandle use 1. Quick start with VarHandle 2. Common methods of VarHandle 3. Practical case 1: Solve visibility (lighter than volatile) 4. Practical case 2: Solve instruction reordering (lighter than volatile) (1) Case study: partial ordering (2) Case study: […]