A brief introduction to Android voice broadcast TTS

About the author: Xiaobei Programming (focusing on HarmonyOS, Android, Java, Web, TCP/IP and other technical directions) Blog homepage: Open Source China, Rare Earth Nuggets, 51cto Blog, Blog Park, Zhihu, Jianshu, MOOC, CSDN If the article is helpful to you, please follow, like, collect, and comment. If you need to reprint, please refer to [Reprint Instructions] […]

ROS machine voice

Environment: ubuntu20.04 + ros noetic Referenced “ROS Robot Development Practice”, written by teacher Hu Chunxu, which also has supporting source code https://github.com/huchunxu/ros_exploring.git 1. Play voice Let the robot speak 1. sound_play function package The meta-function package audio-common in ROS provides the text-to-speech function package sound_play. Install using the following command: sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-audio-common sudo […]

STM32 smart car-Bluetooth controlled and speed measuring car, wife controlled car, 4g controlled car, voice controlled car

Table of Contents 1. Bluetooth controlled car 2. Bluetooth control and speed measuring car 3. WiFi controlled speed measuring car 4. 4g controlled car 5. Voice control car 5.1 Voice module configuration: 5.2 Voice control car development and debugging code 1. Bluetooth control car Using Bluetooth module, serial port transparent transmission Bluetooth module, also called […]

Build teamspeak3 voice server on Synology

What is TeamSpeak? TeamSpeak (abbreviated as TS) is a team voice communication tool, but it has more functions and is easier to use than ordinary communication tools. It consists of two parts: server-side program and client-side program. If you don’t want to set up a TS server yourself, you only need to download the client-side […]

uniapp uses stomp+websocket to monitor messages in real time for voice broadcasting

Write a custom directory title here stompjs // Generated by CoffeeScript 1.7.1 /* Stomp Over WebSocket http://www.jmesnil.net/stomp-websocket/doc/ | Apache License V2.0 Copyright (C) 2010-2013 [Jeff Mesnil](http://jmesnil.net/) Copyright (C) 2012 [FuseSource, Inc.](http://fusesource.com) */ (function() {<!– –> var Byte, Client, Frame, Stomp, __hasProp = {<!– –>}.hasOwnProperty, __slice = [].slice; Byte = {<!– –> LF: ‘\x0A’, NULL: ‘\x00’ […]

LM-based (GB28181/EHOME) device voice command (intercom, broadcast)

Introduction LM video intermediate audio intercom and broadcast support functions such as one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many, controlling the front-end to play custom wav voice files and creating voice chat rooms. It can realize real-time multi-party voice calls and voice calls based on basic security equipment. Voice interaction in scenarios such as shouting and alarm-linked voice playback. […]

Build a simple CLI-based voice assistant using PyAudio, speech recognition, pyttsx3, and SerpApi

Dmitry Zub 1. Introduction As you can see from the title, this is a demo project that shows a very basic voice assistant script that can answer your questions in the terminal based on Google search results. You can find the full code in the GitHub repository: dimitryzub/serpapi-demo-projects/speech-recognition/cli-based/ Subsequent blog posts will cover: Web-based using […]