Understanding of arm bare metal lighting led volatile

1. Initialization process Initialize clock Set the multiplexed IO port of GPIO Set the electrical properties of GPIO Initialize GPIO 2. Understanding volatile initialization registers in C language #define CCM_CCGR0 *((volatile unsigned int *)0x020C4068) Understanding of volatile The volatile keyword has the following uses: (1) Used for synchronization, because the same thing may have multiple […]

Volatile: The hidden hero of Java concurrent programming

: Just work hard and leave the rest to time : Xiaopozhan Volatile: The invisible hero of Java concurrent programming Preface First: Visibility Issues Second: Prohibit instruction reordering Third: Happens-Before relationship Fourth: Application cases Fifth: Comparison of Volatile, synchronized, and Lock Volatile: synchronized: Lock: Choose the appropriate tool: Sixth: Common misunderstandings and precautions Common misunderstandings: […]

Detailed description of Java memory barriers and a thorough understanding of volatile

Source: Detailed description of Java memory barriers and a thorough understanding of volatile Directory of series articles [JVM Series] Chapter 1 Runtime Data Area [JVM Interview Questions] Chapter 2 From JDK7 to JDK8, why does the JVM use metaspace to replace the permanent generation? [JVM Interview Questions] Chapter 3 Why is the JVM generation age […]

Java concurrent programming-volatile

volatile is a lightweight synchronization mechanism provided by the java virtual machine. It has three important features: Ensure visibility No guarantee of atomicity Disable command rearrangement To understand these three features, you need to have a certain understanding of JMM (JAVA memory model). Main problems solved: In the JVM, each thread will have local memory. […]

C++ Standard Templates (STL) – Type Support (type attributes, is_volatile, is_trivial, is_const)

Type attributes A type attribute defines a compile-time template-based structure for querying or modifying the properties of a type. Attempting to specialize a template defined in the header results in undefined behavior, except that std::common_type can be specialized as described. Templates defined in the header file may be instantiated with incomplete types unless otherwise specified, […]

About Volatile, lock, Interlocked and Synchronized in multi-threaded environment

Welcome to like: Collection ?Leave a message Please correct me if there are any mistakes, give people roses, and leave lingering fragrance in your hands! Author of this article: Original by webmote Author’s motto: In the new journey, we face not only technology but also people’s hearts. People’s hearts are immeasurable, and the sea water […]

4 types of type conversion operators in c++ (static_cast, reinterpret_cast, dynamic_cast, const_cast), volatile, RTTI

Table of Contents introduce introduce static_cast introduce use reinterpret_cast introduce use const_cast introduce volatile introduce use dynamic_cast introduce use RTTI (runtime determination of type) introduce typeid operator dynamic_cast operator type_info class Introduction Originally in C, we have already been exposed to a lot of type conversions – implicit type conversions and explicit type conversions Implicit […]

Hello volatile! Hello, synchronized!

This article has been published simultaneously on my personal homepage Synchronized and Volatile are two keywords used to handle multi-threaded programming in Java. They are used to implement thread synchronization and Ensure visibility. In Java multi-threaded programming, the two are complementary, not antagonistic. volatile In Java, the volatile keyword can ensure the visibility of a […]

[Signal] Signal processing {Timing of signal processing; kernel mode and user mode; principle of signal capture; signal processing function: signal, sigaction; reentrant function; volatile keyword; SIGCHLD signal}

1. Timing of signal processing 1.1 When does the operating system perform signal processing? First of all, we need to make it clear that the data structures for managing signals are all in the process PCB, and the process PCB belongs to the kernel data. Therefore, signal detection and processing must be performed in the […]