The pitfalls I have stepped on in WebView over the years

I previously introduced the interaction method between Webview and JS in the article “Full Analysis of Interaction between WebView and JS in Android”, but the Webview control is simply a love-hate one. All kinds of errors you can’t think of appear on all kinds of strange mobile phones. On, there are various different versions, so […]

C# Using Edge Web.WebView2

Use WebView2 in WinForms applications. Windows App SDK WebView2 Public WebView2 Available in Windows App SDK with Edge and WinUI Cooperate to backport the WebView2 control to WinUI2. Windows UI Library (WinUI) 2 Integrate with Windows SDK and use XAML Islands() Provides official native Windows UI controls and other user interface elements for UWP applications. […]

[Android Performance Optimization: Memory] – WebView memory leak management

Background: When optimizing memory leaks in a company project, the author found that the memory leak problem related to WebView is very classic. The WebView used by a Fragment page has multiple leak paths, so I recorded them. Fragment and Activity are not released when using WebView A Fragment in the project uses Webview, but […]

Flutter development practice-inappwebview implements flutter and Javascript method calls

Flutter development practice-inappwebview implements flutter and Javascript method calls When using inappwebview, the flutter side needs to interact with JS and call the corresponding methods, JavaScript Handlers in inappwebview. 1. JavaScript Handlers To add JavaScript Handlers, you can use the InAppWebViewController.addJavaScriptHandler method, where you define the handlerName and the callback to be called when it […]

Flutter development practice-use of webview plug-in flutter_inappwebview

Flutter development practice-use of webview plug-in flutter_inappwebview During the development process, we often encounter the need to use WebView, and Webview needs to call native plug-ins to implement it. Common flutter webview plug-ins are webview_flutter and flutter_inappwebview. I sorted out webview_flutter before, check Here we use flutter_inappwebview to load web pages. 1. Introduction of […]

Android startup optimization case: WebView unexpected initialization troubleshooting

When I was doing startup optimization at the end of last year, I had a rather interesting case to share with you. I hope you can get from my sharing how it looked low, crude and efficient< when I was doing some troubleshooting and repairs. /strong>’s. 1. Phenomenon When we used Perfetto to observe the […]

wpf overlay element on top of webview2

Element code source github CrissCross project Two tool classes and a webview2 encapsulation class are required // Copyright (c) Chris Pulman. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Interop; using System.Windows.Media; namespace WpfApp1 { /// […]

webview loads js graphic report

There are often some graphical report functions in projects. For the implementation of android graphical reports, you can use some open source android graphical report frameworks such as: achartengine, hellocharts, MPAndroidChar, etc., although these frameworks are implemented very well, in actual projects the graphical reports we need are designed by designers. Maybe the effects we […]