IDEA integrates Hadoop3.x under Windows

1. Hadoop development package download 1.1 Download the corresponding hadoop development package on the windows system, for example: hadoop3.3.5 version 1.1 Unzip the development package and rename it 2. Patch 2.1 Since it is a windows development system, some patches need to be installed to run normally. Install them in the bin directory of hadoop. […]

[Dos system] Windows black box

1. Directory operation commands 1. Introduction: The operation commands mentioned next are also called “DOS commands”; It is used in DOS systems, and DOS systems are compatible with Windows systems. 2.DOS system operation: win + R —-> Open the run window —-> Enter cmd —–> Press Enter and it will open The prompt information for […]

c: struct sort descending and ascending in windows and Ubuntu

/** * @file StudentStructSort.h * @author geovindu,Geovin Du,Tu Juwen ([email protected]) * ide: vscode c11,c17 Ubuntu 22.4 * @brief Structure sorting example * @date 2023-11-05 * @version 0.1 * @copyright geovindu Standing on the Shoulders of Giants * */ #ifndef STUDENTSTRUCTSORT_H_ #define STUDENTSTRUCTSORT_H_ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> /** * @brief […]

Llama2 quantifies Windows & Linux local deployment through llama.cpp model

Llama2 quantifies Windows & amp;Linux local deployment through llama.cpp model What is LLaMA 1 and 2 LLaMA, it is a set of basic language models with parameters ranging from 7B to 65B. models trained on trillions of tokens and show that state-of-the-art models can be trained exclusively using publicly available datasets without resorting to proprietary […]

Configure kafka cluster on windows10

1. Introduction to kafka Kafka is an open source stream processing platform developed by Apache and written in Scala and Java. Kafka is a high-throughput distributed publish-subscribe messaging system that can process all behavioral record data of consumers in the website 2. kafka download kafka address 3. kafka cluster configuration 1. Zookeeper configuration # Licensed […]

Using kafka.3.6.0 on windows

1. Introduction to kafka Kafka is an open source stream processing platform developed by Apache and written in Scala and Java. Kafka is a high-throughput distributed publish-subscribe messaging system that can process all behavioral record data of consumers in the website 2. kafka download kafka address 3. kafka configuration 1. Zookeeper configuration # Licensed to […]

C# design a windows program interface

It is required to create new groups, create new contacts, view contacts, and design shortcut keys. Problems encountered 1. Data information transmission Since this was my first contact, and the teacher skipped sections in class and did not remind me, the program required the main window to transfer data to the sub-window, and the sub-window […]

Deploy spring boot as a windows service

Directory of series articles Deploy the executable jar package as a windows service Tips: It is recommended to read the previous chapter [Deploying executable jar packages as windows services] before reading this article, which will help you understand the content of this chapter more easily Article directory Table of Contents of Series Articles Preface 1. […]