Deep Neural Networks – Convert a TensorFlow piecewise model and start using OpenCV v4.8.0

Goals In this tutorial you will learn how to Convert a TensorFlow (TF) segmentation model Run the converted TensorFlow model using OpenCV Evaluate TensorFlow and OpenCV DNN models We will discuss the above points using the DeepLab architecture as an example. Introduction Apart from the graph optimization stage, the key concepts involved in TensorFlow classification […]

[Basic operations] Bit operations: binary state compression, pairwise transformation, lowbit operation

1. Binary state compression Binary state compression refers to compressing a file with a length of m m The bool array of m uses a m m A method of representing and storing m-bit binary integers. The following bit operations can be used to access the corresponding subscript elements in the original bool array. Operation […]

A must-have for YOLOv5 to gain points! Improved loss functions EIoU, SIoU, AlphaIoU, FocalEIoU, Wise-IoU

Table of Contents 1. The role of improving the loss function Second, specific implementation 1. Improving the role of loss function The role of the YOLOv5 loss function is to measure the difference between the predicted box and the real box, and update the parameters of the model based on these differences. It helps the […]

MyBatis dynamic statements where/if, set, trim, choose/when/otherwise, foreach tag, and sql fragments

1. Environment preparation 1. Prepare the database and insert data CREATE TABLE `t_emp` ( emp_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT, emp_name CHAR(100), emp_salary DOUBLE(10, 5), PRIMARY KEY (emp_id) ); INSERT INTO `t_emp`(emp_name,emp_salary) VALUES(“tom”,200.33); INSERT INTO `t_emp`(emp_name,emp_salary) VALUES(“jerry”,666.66); INSERT INTO `t_emp`(emp_name,emp_salary) VALUES(“andy”,777.77); 2. Write entity classes package com.suchuanlin.pojo; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.Data; import lombok.NoArgsConstructor; @Data @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor public class […]

YOLOV7 improved practical operation-add Wise IoU to achieve effective point-raising

1. Open utils->, find bbox_iou(), about line 345, replace the following with the source code There are three versions of wiou, which can be replaced to see which one has more points. class WIoU_Scale: ”’ monotonous: {<!– –> None: origin v1 True: monotonic FM v2 False: non-monotonic FM v3 } momentum: The momentum of running […]

Operation methods and properties of bitwise operators in Python

The operation methods and properties of bitwise operators in Python Original code, inverse code, complement code First, you need to understand the three different expressions of binary codes, original code, inverse code, and complement code. The prerequisite knowledge is: Sign bit The highest bit is the sign bit, 0 represents a positive number, and 1 […]

8. K3 WISE development plug-in “Industrial document old order time thin plug-in toolbar button development example”

=============================== Table of contents: 1. Add toolbar button 2. Query the FMenuID and FID of the business document to which the toolbar button is added 3. Add the mapping relationship between toolbar buttons and business documents 4. Clicking the toolbar button triggers the event MainFunction 5. Toolbar button click trigger event DLL registration 6. Test […]

Python implements stepwise regression

@Created on: 2023.09.17 @Modified on: 2023.09.17 This article is reproduced from Ali Yiyang’s Python implementation and its gradual return. Purely for record purposes and not for any commercial use. Article directory Python implements stepwise regression 1 What is stepwise regression? 2 Detailed explanation of function parameters for implementing stepwise regression 3 Python implements gradual regression […]