HadoopApache Hadoop YARN

Personal homepage–Driving a tractor home_Linux, Java basic learning, big data operation and maintenance-CSDN blog ? Thanks for the likes and attention, we will make a little progress every day! come on! Table of Contents 1. Overview of YARN 2. YARN infrastructure 2.1 ResourceManager (RM) 2.1.1 Scheduler 2.1.2 ApplicationManager 2.2 ApplicationMaster (AM) 2.3 NodeManager (NM) 2.4 […]

Several indicator statistics about SparkRdd and SparkSql, scala language, packaging and uploading to spark cluster, running in yarn mode

need: ? Requirements: Use SparkRDD and SparkSQL programming methods to complete the following data analysis, compare performance with webUI monitoring, and give a rational explanation for the results. 1. Count the number of users, gender, and occupation respectively: 2. Check the statistical age distribution (divided into 7 segments according to age) 3. Check the statistical […]

5.Hadoop (Yarn)

5.Hadoop (Yarn) 5.Hadoop (Yarn) Chapter 1 Yarn Resource Scheduler 1.1 Yarn infrastructure 1.2 Yarn working mechanism 1.3 The whole process of homework submission 1.4 Yarn scheduler and scheduling algorithm 1.4.1 First-in-first-out scheduler (FIFO) 1.4.2 Capacity Scheduler 1.4.3 Fair Scheduler Chapter 2 Yarn case practice 2.1 Yarn production environment core parameter configuration case 2.2 Capacity scheduler […]

How to use front-end package managers (such as npm, Yarn)?

Gathering sand into a tower, making a little progress every day ? Column introduction Front-end Getting Started Tour: Exploring the Wonderful World of Web Development Welcome to the Front-End Getting Started Tour! If you are interested, you can subscribe to this column! This column is tailor-made for those who are interested in web development and […]

Flink on k8s container log generation principle and comparison with log generation mode during Yarn deployment

Detailed explanation of Flink on k8s deployment logs and comparison of log generation modes during deployment with Yarn Recently, I need to switch flink from the original deployment to the Yarn cluster to the kubernetes cluster. After the switch, I need to be familiar with the operating mode of flink on k8s. During the use […]

Do you know the difference between npm, yarn, and pnpm?

npm Nested node_modules structure In the early days, npm adopted a nested node_modules structure. The “node_modules” folder usually contained the modules that the project depended on. Nested “node_modules” structures occur when multiple dependencies are used in a project and these dependencies themselves have their own dependencies. The main feature of the nested “node_modules” structure is […]

pnpm, npm, yarn package management tools “Comparison of pros and cons” and “Environment migration”

Foreword When bloggers were developing front-end websites, they found that as the number of projects developed gradually increased, the installed dependency packages became more and more bloated, the installation speed of dependency packages also became slower and slower, and multi-project development management was also more troublesome. I had learned about pnpm before, but at that […]

[Node environment installation (including npm/cnpm/yarn/vue)]

node installation includes (npm/cnpm/yarn/vue) 1. Download and install node Address: https://nodejs.org/en/download/releases You can see previous versions, select the version you want to download and choose to download the file with the suffix .msi I installed it on the d drive here (directly change the letter c to d when installing), and the installation path is […]