4. Thoughts on hashmap unsafe ConcurrentHashMap thread-safe use of segment lock mechanism

Thoughts on hashmap unsafe ConcurrentHashMap thread-safe use of segment lock mechanism

Step 1: We used ConcurrentHashMap when logging in as a user and found that it is thread-safe. What is the mechanism to achieve thread safety? What is the principle of segment lock?

Question: private Map allUserMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

Tell me about this

Answer:In the given code, allUserMap is a private member variable of type ConcurrentHashMap. ConcurrentHashMap is a thread-safe hash table implementation in Java, which supports concurrent access and update operations without explicit synchronization mechanisms (such as locks), so it is suitable for multi-threaded environments.

ConcurrentHashMap inherits from AbstractMap, implements the ConcurrentMap interface, and provides thread-safe key-value pair storage and retrieval functions. It uses a mechanism called segment lock (Segment) to achieve high efficiency of concurrent access.

In the given code, allUserMap is a collection of key-value pairs used to store user information. Its key and value are both string types, which can be adjusted according to specific business needs.

Since ConcurrentHashMap is thread-safe, multiple threads can read and write to allUserMap at the same time without data inconsistency or conflict. This is very useful for scenarios that require concurrent access in a multi-threaded environment, such as saving user information and caching data on the server side.

It should be noted that although ConcurrentHashMap is thread-safe, it still needs to be used with caution. In specific business scenarios, other factors may need to be considered, such as atomicity, consistency, and concurrency performance. In addition, for specific operation requirements, it can also be combined with other concurrent containers or synchronization mechanisms to achieve more precise control.

In short, ConcurrentHashMap is a thread-safe hash table implementation, suitable for concurrent access and update operations in a multi-threaded environment

Q: How does the segment lock (Segment) mechanism ensure thread safety?


The segment lock (Segment) mechanism is one of the keys for ConcurrentHashMap to achieve thread safety. ConcurrentHashMap is internally divided into multiple segments (Segment), and each segment maintains an independent array of hash buckets. Each segment has its own lock, and different threads can access different segments at the same time, thus providing finer-grained concurrency performance.

Specifically, when performing write operations (such as insert, delete, update), you only need to acquire the lock of the corresponding segment, instead of locking the entire ConcurrentHashMap. This can effectively reduce the lock’s

Question:Then hashmap is not safe?


HashMap is not thread-safe, mainly because it does not provide internal synchronization mechanism

Question:Each segment maintains an independent array of hash buckets for an instance


The following is a simple example showing the segment lock mechanism of ConcurrentHashMap, each segment maintains an independent array of hash buckets:

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

public class ConcurrentHashmapExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // create a ConcurrentHashMap with default number of segments

        ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

        // Insert data into ConcurrentHashMap

        map. put("one", 1);

        map. put("two", 2);

        map. put("three", 3);

        // retrieve data

        System.out.println(map.get("one")); // output: 1

        // change the data

        map. put("two", 22);

        System.out.println(map.get("two")); // output: 22

        // delete data

        map. remove("three");

        System.out.println(map.containsKey("three")); // output: false



In the above example, ConcurrentHashMap internally maintains multiple segments, and each segment has its own array of hash buckets. In this way, different threads can access different segments at the same time, avoiding the problem of multiple threads competing for the same lock, and improving concurrency performance.

It should be noted that the segment lock does not lock the entire ConcurrentHashMap, but independently locks each segment (Segment). In this way, in a concurrent environment, different threads can operate on different segments at the same time, thereby improving concurrent performance.

Question:Does each paragraph mean each key?

Answer: Each segment does not refer to each key, but refers to a subset of the entire hash bucket array, and each segment contains a part of the hash bucket.

In ConcurrentHashMap, the hash bucket array is divided into multiple segments (Segment), and each segment maintains a part of hash buckets. The hash value calculated by different keys through the hash function will determine the segment it belongs to, and then operate on the segment. In this way, different segments can process different keys in parallel, thereby improving concurrency performance.

There is a lock inside each segment. When you need to read and write a segment, you only need to acquire the lock corresponding to the segment without affecting the operations of other segments. This avoids the problem of multiple threads competing for the same lock, and realizes fine-grained concurrency control.

Therefore, for each segment means to perform independent operations on each segment (Segment), not on each key.

Q: import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

public class ConcurrentHashmapExample {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// Create a ConcurrentHashMap with the default number of segments

ConcurrentHashMap map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

// Insert data into ConcurrentHashMap

map. put(“one”, 1);

map. put(“two”, 2);

map. put(“three”, 3);

// get data

System.out.println(map.get(“one”)); // output: 1

// Modify data

map. put(“two”, 22);

System.out.println(map.get(“two”)); // output: 22

// delete data

map. remove(“three”);

System.out.println(map.containsKey(“three”)); // output: false



If the hashmap used here is not safe?


Yes, if you use plain HashMap instead of ConcurrentHashMap in this example, there will be thread safety issues. In a concurrent environment, multiple threads modifying the HashMap at the same time may cause data inconsistency, data loss, or exceptions.

Ordinary HashMap is not a thread-safe data structure, and it does not provide an internal synchronization mechanism to protect concurrent access. Therefore, using plain HashMap in a multi-threaded environment may lead to data races and inconsistent results.

ConcurrentHashMap is a thread-safe hash table implementation specially designed for concurrent environments. It internally uses the segment lock (Segment) mechanism to achieve thread safety for concurrent access. Each segment maintains an independent array of hash buckets and synchronizes access to the segment, thus providing higher concurrency performance and thread safety.

Therefore, if concurrent access is required in a multi-threaded environment, it is recommended to use ConcurrentHashMap instead of ordinary HashMap to ensure data correctness and thread safety.

Q: Then hash bucket is a collection of key-value pairs?

Answer: Yes, a hash bucket can be understood as a collection of key-value pairs. In the hash bucket array, each hash bucket can store multiple key-value pairs. When you insert a key-value pair into ConcurrentHashMap or other similar hash table data structures, the key-value pair will be stored in the corresponding hash bucket according to the hash value of the key.

Each hash bucket can be regarded as a storage bucket, which can hold multiple key-value pairs. When you need to read or modify a key-value pair, you will locate the corresponding hash bucket through the hash value of the key, and then search or update the target key-value pair in the hash bucket.

Therefore, a hash bucket is a data structure that organizes and stores key-value pairs to improve the efficiency of lookup, insertion, and deletion operations. They help evenly distribute the key-value pairs in the hash bucket array, and map the key to the corresponding hash bucket through the operation of the hash function to achieve fast data access.

Q: Explain the Segment lock mechanism in detail

Answer: The segment lock (Segment) mechanism is a strategy used by ConcurrentHashMap to achieve thread-safe concurrent access. It divides the entire data structure into multiple segments, and each segment maintains a part of the hash bucket (Hash Bucket).

The following are the main features and working principles of the segment lock mechanism:

Concurrency level: The concurrency level of ConcurrentHashMap is controlled by segment locks. By default, the concurrency level is 16, which means that the entire data structure is divided into 16 segments.

Segment lock: Each segment has its own lock, and different threads can access different segments at the same time. This can improve concurrency performance, and different threads can operate different segments concurrently, avoiding lock competition.

Lock granularity: The granularity of segment locks is at the segment level, not at the level of the entire data structure. This means that in a multi-threaded environment, different threads can read or modify different segments at the same time, thereby improving concurrency performance.

Independence of locks: Segment locks ensure that the locks of each segment are independent, that is, the operation of a thread on a segment will not affect the access of other segments. This minimizes the granularity of locks and improves concurrency performance.

Lock acquisition: When inserting, updating, or deleting operations, the thread only needs to acquire the lock of the corresponding segment, and does not need to acquire the lock of the entire data structure. This can reduce the scope of lock competition and improve concurrency performance.

In general, the segmentation lock mechanism enables ConcurrentHashMap to efficiently support concurrent read and write operations in a multi-threaded environment. Each segment is equivalent to a small HashMap. During concurrent access, only the lock of the corresponding segment needs to be acquired, avoiding serial access to the entire data structure. This improves concurrency performance and guarantees thread safety.

Q: How to resolve conflicts when writing to the same segment

Answer: ConcurrentHashMap uses an internal locking mechanism to resolve conflicts when writing to the same segment. Each segment maintains an independent lock internally, which is used to synchronize concurrent write operations to the segment.

When multiple threads write to the same segment at the same time, they acquire locks for the segment in a first-come, first-served order. Only one thread can successfully acquire the lock and perform the write operation, while the other threads are blocked waiting for the lock to be released. This ensures that write operations on the same segment are performed serially, avoiding data conflicts and inconsistencies.

Specifically, when a thread needs to write to a certain segment, it will first try to acquire the lock of the segment. If the lock is already occupied by other threads, the current thread will be blocked until the lock is acquired. Once a thread has successfully acquired the lock, it can safely perform the write operation and release the lock when it’s done, allowing other threads to continue competing for the lock.

This segmented lock mechanism can reduce the lock granularity to a certain extent and improve concurrency performance. Different threads can access different segments at the same time, and only write operations on the same segment will be synchronized, avoiding unnecessary lock competition.

Question:Does the segment lock mean that the hashmap is divided into different segments and each segment is locked?


Yes, segment lock is to split ConcurrentHashMap into different segments (Segment), each segment maintains an independent array of hash buckets and a lock. The hash bucket array inside each segment stores a part of key-value pair data, and the write operation in this segment will be carried out under the protection of the corresponding lock.

By splitting ConcurrentHashMap into multiple segments, the granularity of concurrency control is actually reduced from the entire ConcurrentHashMap to each segment, thereby reducing the competition among concurrent write operations. When multiple threads write to different segments at the same time, they can execute concurrently without interfering with each other, without locking and waiting.

And when multiple threads write to the same segment, they need to compete for the lock of the segment. Only one thread can acquire the lock and perform the write operation, other threads will be blocked. This ensures that write operations on the same segment are performed serially, ensuring data consistency and thread safety.

The segmented lock mechanism can improve concurrency performance to a certain extent, because it reduces the granularity of locks, allows multiple threads to perform read and write operations at the same time, and reduces the frequency of lock competition. However, it should be noted that the segment lock does not completely eliminate lock competition, but narrows the scope of lock competition to the segment level. In a high-concurrency scenario, if multiple threads frequently compete for the lock of the same segment, there will still be a certain amount of lock competition overhead. Therefore, when using segment locks, it is necessary to divide the number of segments reasonably and select an appropriate degree of concurrency to balance the overhead of concurrency performance and lock competition.

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