AHB-to-APB Bridge–06testbench, env, base_test, scb



HCLK_PCLK_RATIO: Randomly define the hclk pclk ratio; each interface clk, rst connection; generate pclk that meets the corresponding ratio; connect with DUT; set vif to agt; agt is set to the bottom layer

About rest_if: Write the rest task directly in tb, and the uvm side cannot be recognized, because uvm is wrapped with pkg. Therefore, rest_if is defined to set the task in it, and then pass config_db to the uvm environment;

`include "uvm_macros.svh"
//import uvm_pkg::*;
import ahbl_mst_pkg::*;
import apb_slv_pkg::*;

module ahb2apb_tb();

parameter HCLK_PERIOD = 100ns;//10MHz defines the period
bit[1:0] tmp_var;
int HCLK_PCLK_RATIO;//Random definition hclk pclk ratio
initial begin
  tmp_var = $urandom_range(0,3);
    0:HCLK_PCLK_RATIO = 1;
    1: HCLK_PCLK_RATIO = 2;
    2: HCLK_PCLK_RATIO = 4;
    3: HCLK_PCLK_RATIO = 8;
  end case

reg hclk;
wire hresetn;

wire pclk;
wire preset n;
reg [3:0] hclk_cnt;
reg pclken;
wire apbactive;

ahbl_if ahbl_if_i(hclk,hresetn);//connection of clk and rst of the interface
apb_if apb_if_i(pclk,presetn);
reset_if reset_if_i(hclk);

initial begin
  hclk = 1'b0;

  forever begins
    #(HCLK_PERIOD/2);//Flip every 1/2 cycle
    hclk = !hclk;

assign hresetn = !reset_if_i.reset;

always @(posedge hclk or negedge hresetn)//realize the pclk that meets the corresponding ratio
    hclk_cnt <= 4'd0;
  else if(hclk_cnt == (HCLK_PCLK_RATIO - 1'b1))
    hclk_cnt <= 4'd0;
    hclk_cnt <= hclk_cnt + 1'd1;

always @(negedge hclk or negedge hresetn)
    pclken <= 1'b0;
  else if(hclk_cnt == (HCLK_PCLK_RATIO - 1'b1))
    pclken <= 1'b1;
    pclken <= 1'b0;

reg pclken_r;
always @(*)begin
  pclken_r = pclken;

assign pclk = pclken_r & amp; hclk;// & amp; operation satisfies the ratio only when hclk is high and pclk is high
assign presetn = hresetn;

cmsdk_ahb_to_apb #(
    .ADDRWIDTH (16),
    .REGISTER_WDATA(0)) dut(
    .HCLK (hclk),
    .HRESETn (hresetn),
    .PCLKEN (pclken),

    .HSEL (ahbl_if_i.hsel),
    .HADDR (ahbl_if_i.haddr[15:0]),
    .HPROT (ahbl_if_i.hprot),
    .HWDATA (ahbl_if_i.hwdata),

    .HRDATA (ahbl_if_i.hrdata),
    .HRESP (ahbl_if_i.hresp),

    .PADDR (apb_if_i.paddr[15:0]),
    .PENABLE(apb_if_i. penable),
    .PSEL (apb_if_i.psel),

    .APBACTIVE (apbactive)

  assign apb_if_i.paddr[31:16] = 16'd0;

  initial begin//vif set to agt
    uvm_config_db#(virtual apb_if)::set(null,"uvm_test_top.env_i.apb_slv_agt_i","vif",apb_if_i);
    uvm_config_db#(virtual ahbl_if)::set(null,"uvm_test_top.env_i.ahbl_mst_agt_i","vif",ahbl_if_i);
    uvm_config_db#(virtual reset_if)::set(null,"uvm_test_top","vif", reset_if_i);


Instantiate each agt, scb and build; connect mon and TLM of ahbFIFO and apbFIFO in scb; drv and sqrTLM are connected in agt

class ahb2apb_env extends uvm_env;

  apb_slv_agt apb_slv_agt_i;
  ahbl_mst_agt ahbl_mst_agt_i;

  ahb2apb_scb ahb2apb_scb_i;

  function new(string name, uvm_component parent);
    super. new(name, parent);
  end function
  virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
    super. build_phase(phase);
    apb_slv_agt_i = apb_slv_agt::type_id::create("apb_slv_agt_i", this);
    ahbl_mst_agt_i = ahbl_mst_agt::type_id::create("ahbl_mst_agt_i", this);
    ahb2apb_scb_i = ahb2apb_scb::type_id::create("ahb2apb_scb_i", this);
  end function

  virtual function void connect_phase(uvm_phase phase);
    super. connect_phase(phase);
  end function

end class


virtual reset interface, instantiate env; set is_active to agt, get reset_if;

uvm_top.print_topology() The simulation starts to print out the hierarchy of uvm (hierarchy)

uvm_error in the whole simulation process is collected in report_phase, if it is 0, it succeeds, and if there is an error, it fails;

import ahb2apb_pkg::*;

class ahb2apb_base_test extends uvm_test;

  virtual reset_if reset_if_i;// instantiate reset interface and env
  ahb2apb_env env_i;

  function new(string name, uvm_component parent=null);
    super. new(name, parent);
  end function
  virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
    super. build_phase(phase);
    env_i=ahb2apb_env::type_id::create("env_i", this);

    if(!uvm_config_db#(virtual reset_if)::get(this,"","vif",reset_if_i))
      `uvm_fatal("No reset_if","reset_if_i is not set!")
  end function

  virtual function void start_of_simulation_phase(uvm_phase phase);

    uvm_top.print_topology();//The simulation starts to print out the hierarchy of uvm (hierarchy)
  end function

  virtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
    super. run_phase(phase);
    reset_if_i.reset_dut;//reset signal 0 1 0

    phase.phase_done.set_drain_time(this,5us);//simulation delay time
  end task

  function void report_phase(uvm_phase phase);//Collect uvm_error in the whole simulation process, if it is 0, it succeeds, if there is an error, it fails
      `uvm_info(get_type_name(),"Simulation PASSED!",UVM_NONE)
    else begin
      `uvm_info(get_type_name(),"SImulation FAILED!",UVM_NONE)
  end function
  function int num_uvm_errors();
    uvm_report_server server;
    if(server==null) server = get_report_server();
    return server.get_severity_count(UVM_ERROR);
  end function
end class


Two fifos and two ports, use FIFO to cache data, you can choose to compare ahb and apb side by side, or ahb side packs and sends a whole pkt, apbfifo side gets the same amount and sends out comparison at the same time;

In env, mon is connected to the export of fifo; it is necessary to connect the export of fifo to the port of scb in scb;

After using port.get in check_pkt in run_phase to tran of apb and ahbl, compare the signals among them, and report an error and err_flag + 1;

Note when comparing prot: apb_pkt.prot[0] corresponds to ahb_pkt.hprot[1]; Privileged access

apb_pkt.prot[2] is 1 corresponding to ahb_pkt.hprot[0] is 0, so there is an error when equal; Bufferable

class ahb2apb_scb extends uvm_scoreboard;
//Two fifos and two ports, use FIFO to cache data, you can choose to compare ahb and apb ends individually, or pack and send a whole pkt at ahb end, and apbfifo end will send out comparisons at the same time after obtaining the same amount;
  uvm_tlm_analysis_fifo #(apb_tran) apb_fifo;
  uvm_blocking_get_port #(apb_tran) apb_port;

  uvm_tlm_analysis_fifo #(ahbl_tran) ahb_fifo;
  uvm_blocking_get_port #(ahbl_tran) ahb_port;

  func_cov fcov;

  function new(string name, uvm_component parent);
    super. new(name, parent);
  end function

  function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
    super. build_phase(phase);
    apb_fifo = new("apb_fifo", this);
    apb_port = new("apb_port", this);
    ahb_fifo = new("ahb_fifo", this);
    ahb_port = new("ahb_port",this);
    fcov = new("fcov");
  end function

  function void connect_phase(uvm_phase phase);
    super. connect_phase(phase);
//Mon is connected to the export of fifo in env; the export of fifo needs to be connected to the port of scb in scb;
  end function

  virtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
  end task

  virtual task check_pkt();
    apb_tran apb_pkt;
    ahbl_tran ahb_pkt;
    bit err_flag;

    while (1) begin
      err_flag = 0;

//After using port.get in check_pkt in run_phase to the tran of apb and ahbl, compare the signals among them, and report an error and err_flag + 1;
      if(ahb_pkt.haddr[15:2] != apb_pkt.addr[15:2])begin
        `uvm_error(get_type_name(),$sformatf("AHB-packet and APB-packet address mismatch! ahb-addr[15:2][%0h],apb-addr[15:2][0%h]",ahb_pkt .haddr[15:2],apb_pkt.addr[15:2]))
        err_flag = 1;

      if(ahb_pkt.hrwdata != apb_pkt.data)begin
        `uvm_error(get_type_name(),$sformatf("AHB-packet and APB-packet rw-data mismatch! ahb-data[%0h],apb-data[0%h]",ahb_pkt.hrwdata,apb_pkt.data))
        err_flag = 1;

      if(ahb_pkt.hwrite & amp; (apb_pkt.kind == apb_slv_pkg::READ ))begin
        `uvm_error(get_type_name(),"AHB-packet and APB-packet read/write mismatch! ahb-'write',apb-'read'")
        err_flag = 1;
      if(!ahb_pkt.hwrite & amp; (apb_pkt.kind == apb_slv_pkg::WRITE ))begin
        `uvm_error(get_type_name(),"AHB-packet and APB-packet read/write mismatch! ahb-'read',apb-'write'")
        err_flag = 1;

      if(apb_pkt.prot[0] != ahb_pkt.hprot[1])begin
        `uvm_error(get_type_name(),$sformatf("AHB-packet and APB-packet 'hprot[1]/prot[0]' mismatch! ahb:[\r],apb:[\r]", ahb_pkt.hprot[1], apb_pkt.prot[0]))
        err_flag = 1;

      if(apb_pkt.prot[2] == ahb_pkt.hprot[0])begin
        `uvm_error(get_type_name(),$sformatf("AHB-packet and APB-packet 'hport[0]/prot[2]' mismatch! ahb:[\r],apb:[\r]", ahb_pkt.hprot[0], apb_pkt.prot[2]))
        err_flag = 1;

        if((ahb_pkt.hsize==WORD) & amp; (apb_pkt.strb != 4'b1111))begin
          `uvm_error(get_type_name(),$sformatf("AHB-packet and APB-packet hsize/haddr/pstrb mismatch! ahb-hsize:WORD,apb-pstrb:K.",apb_pkt.strb))
          err_flag = 1;
        if(((ahb_pkt.hsize==HWORD) & amp; !ahb_pkt.haddr[1] & amp; (apb_pkt.strb!=4'b0011)) | ((ahb_pkt.hsize==HWORD) & amp; ahb_pkt. haddr[1] &(apb_pkt.strb != 4'b1100)))begin
           `uvm_error(get_type_name(),$sformatf("AHB-packet and APB-packet hsize/haddr/pstrb mismatch! ahb-hsize:HWORD,ahb-haddr[1]:%d,apb-pstrb:K.",ahb_pkt .haddr[1],apb_pkt.strb))
          err_flag = 1;
        if(((ahb_pkt.hsize==BYTE) & amp; (ahb_pkt.haddr[1:0]==2'b00) & amp;(apb_pkt.strb != 4'b0001)) | ((ahb_pkt.hsize= =BYTE) & amp; (ahb_pkt.haddr[1:0]==2'b01) & amp;(apb_pkt.strb != 4'b0010)) | ((ahb_pkt.hsize==BYTE) & amp; (ahb_pkt .haddr[1:0]==2'b10) & amp;(apb_pkt.strb != 4'b0100)) | ((ahb_pkt.hsize==BYTE) & amp; (ahb_pkt.haddr[1:0]= =2'b11) &(apb_pkt.strb != 4'b1000)))begin
          `uvm_error(get_type_name(),$sformatf("AHB-packet and APB-packet hsize/haddr/pstrb mismatch! ahb-hsize: BYTE, ahb-haddr[1:0]:+, apb-pstrb:K.", ahb_pkt.haddr[1:0], apb_pkt.strb))
          err_flag = 1;
      if(ahb_pkt.hresp != apb_pkt.slverr)begin
        `uvm_error(get_type_name(),$sformatf("AHB-packet and APB-packet hresp/pslverr mismatch! ahb:[\r],apb:[\r].",ahb_pkt.hresp,apb_pkt.slverr))
         err_flag = 1;

        `uvm_error(get_type_name(),"Pkt comparing FAILED!")
      else begin
        `uvm_info(get_type_name(),"Pkt comparing correct!",UVM_LOW)
      # 20ns;
  end task

end class