element-ui left navigation bar component

The layout of the left navigation bar of element-ui is implemented, the effect is as follows

Components involved:



layout.vue: nav.vue (left navigation area, containing loop widget asideBarItem.vue), AppMain.vue (right main content area)

The project structure is as follows:


1. App.vue, controls the rendering of the page through router routing, very simple, a router-view

  <div id="app">
    <keep-alive> // Cache components to improve running performance

2. router.js (key point), layout will be introduced here as a template component. The following example components can be added by yourself.

import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
import Layout from '@/layout/layout.vue'
import AppMain from '@/layout/components/AppMain.vue' // Display area component on the right


export default new Router({
  base: process.env.BASE_URL,
  routes: [
      path: '/',
      name: 'base',
      redirect: '/about',
      component: Layout, // Main template component
      meta: { // Render the breadcrumb title of the right area
        title: 'Public Component',
        levelList: []
      children: [
          path: '/about',
          name: 'baseAbout',
          component: () => import('./views/About.vue'), // Lazy loading of components to improve running performance
          meta: {
            title: 'About Us',
            levelList: []
      path: '/user',
      name: 'User_Nav',
      component: Layout,
      meta: {
        title: 'User Navigation',
        levelList: []
      children: [
          path: '/user/info',
          name: 'userInfo',
          meta: {
            title: 'User Information',
            levelList: []
          component: AppMain, // Right area template component
          children: [
              path: '/user/info/userCenter',
              name: 'userCenter',
              meta: {
                title: 'Personal Center',
                levelList: []
              component: AppMain,
              children: [
                  path: '/user/info/userCenter/userLog',
                  name: 'orderList',
                  meta: {
                    title: 'Personal Diary',
                    levelList: []
                  component: () => import('@/views/user.vue'),
              path: '/user/info/order-list',
              name: 'orderList',
              meta: {
                title: 'Order List',
                levelList: []
              component: () => import('@/views/orderList.vue')
              path: '/user/info/address-list',
              name: 'addressList',
              meta: {
                title: 'Address List',
                levelList: []
              component: () => import('@/views/addressList.vue')
          path: '/user/login',
          name: 'baseAboutLogin',
          meta: {
            title: 'Login component',
            levelList: []
          component: () => import('./views/login.vue')

3. layerout folder

3-1. Main file layout.vue

  <div class="app-contain">
       <!-- Left navigation -->
    <el-container class="index-container">
      <el-aside class="layout-contant">
      <!-- Breadcrumbs simplify learning, temporarily blocked -->
      <!-- <el-main>
        <el-breadcrumb separator-class="el-icon-arrow-right">
          <el-breadcrumb-item v-for="item in levelList" :key="item.path">
            <a :href="item.path" v-if="item.parent">{<!-- -->{item.meta.title}}</a>
            <span v-else>{<!-- -->{item.meta.title}}</span>
        </el-breadcrumb> -->

        <!-- Right display area -->

3-2. nav.vue, which introduces the asideBarItem.vue component

  <div class="nav-contain">
      <AsideBarItem v-for="router in routers"

import AsideBarItem from './asideBarItem'
export default {
  name: 'mynav',
  components: {

<style lang="scss" scope>
  text-align: left;

3-3. asideBarItem.vue small loop component

  <div class="asideBarItem-contant">
    <!-- If hasOwnProperty detects children, it will be displayed recursively -->
      <span slot="title">{<!-- -->{router.meta.title}}</span>

      <!-- Recursive descendant navigation component -->
      v-for="child in router.children"
      :router="child" >

    <!-- Navigation without descendants -->
      {<!-- -->{router.meta.title}}

3-4. The component of the main rendering area on the right side of AppMain.vue is very simple, a router-view

  <div class="appMain-container">
  export default {
    data () {
         return {
<style lang="scss" scoped>

Note: For each customized component, write some content to facilitate switching and identification.

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