el-table merges cells while lazily loading the table

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <!-- import CSS -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css">

    <div id="app">
            <div class="preview app-container" ref="preview">
                <el-table :data="tableData" height="900" :header-cell-style="handerMethod"
                    :span-method="objectSpanMethod" border fit highlight-current-row style="margin-top: 10px;"
                    row-key="id" lazy :load="load" :tree-props="{children:'children',hasChildren:'hasChildren'}"
                    <el-table-column prop='firstRisk' label='Level 1 Risk' align="center" type=""
                    <el-table-column prop='secRisk' label='Second-level risk' align="center" type=""
                    <el-table-column prop='' label='Early warning indicator' align="center" :show-overflow-tooltip="true">
                        <el-table-column label="" prop='earlyWarning' align="center">
                    <el-table-column prop='description' label='End of period' align="center"
                    <el-table-column prop='status' label='quarter' align="center"
                    <el-table-column prop='status' label='YoY increase or decrease rate' align="center"
                    <el-table-column prop='status' label='Remarks' align="center"
                    <el-table-column prop='status' label='Description' align="center"
                    <el-table-column prop='ISstatus' label='Is it a risk' align="center"
                    <el-table-column prop='status' label='Monochrome increase or decrease rate' align="center"
<!-- import Vue before Element -->
<script src="//i2.wp.com/unpkg.com/vue@2/dist/vue.js"></script>
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<script src="//i2.wp.com/unpkg.com/element-ui/lib/index.js"></script>
    new Vue({<!-- -->
        el: '#app',
        data: function () {<!-- -->
            return {<!-- -->
                tableData: [
                    {<!-- -->
                        id: 1,
                        firstRisk: "Strategic Risk",
                        secRisk: "Macroeconomic Risk",
                        earlyWarning: "Domestic and foreign macroeconomics",
                        type: "domestic and foreign macroeconomics",
                        description: "-",
                        ISstatus: "Yes",
                        hasChildren: true,
                        children: [],
                        expandTrue: false,
                    {<!-- -->
                        id: 2,
                        firstRisk: "Strategic Risk",
                        secRisk: "Policy Risk",
                        earlyWarning: "Country and Industry",
                        type: "Country and Industry",
                        description: "-",
                        ISstatus: "Yes",
                        hasChildren: true,
                        children: [], expandTrue: false,

                    {<!-- -->
                        id: 3,
                        firstRisk: "Strategic Risk",
                        secRisk: "International Business Risk",
                            "Number of subsidiaries affected by tariff policy (number)",
                        type: "Number of subsidiaries affected by tariff policy (number)",
                        description: "-",
                        ISstatus: "Yes",
                        hasChildren: true,
                        children: [], expandTrue: false,

                    {<!-- -->
                        id: 4,
                        firstRisk: "Strategic Risk",
                        secRisk: "International Business Risk",
                        earlyWarning: "Total overseas assets in overseas medium and high risk areas 1",
                        type: "Amount (10,000 yuan)",
                        description: "-",
                        ISstatus: "Yes",
                        hasChildren: true,
                        children: [], expandTrue: false,

                    {<!-- -->
                        id: 5,
                        firstRisk: "Strategic Risk",
                        secRisk: "International Business Risk",
                        earlyWarning: "Total overseas assets in overseas medium and high risk areas 2",
                        type: "Proportion of total amount",
                        description: "-",
                        ISstatus: "Yes",
                        hasChildren: true,
                        children: [], expandTrue: false,

                    {<!-- -->
                        id: 6,
                        firstRisk: "Strategic Risk",
                        secRisk: "International Business Risk",
                        earlyWarning: "Overdue number of projects (number)",
                        type: "Overdue quantity of projects (units)",
                        description: "-",
                        ISstatus: "Yes",
                        hasChildren: true,
                        children: [], expandTrue: false,

                    {<!-- -->
                        id: 7,
                        firstRisk: "Strategic Risk",
                        secRisk: "International Business Risk",
                        earlyWarning: "Major Overseas Legal Litigation Case 1",
                        type: "Quantity (pieces)",
                        description: "-",
                        ISstatus: "Yes",
                        hasChildren: true,
                        children: [], expandTrue: false,

                    {<!-- -->
                        id: 8,
                        firstRisk: "Strategic Risk",
                        secRisk: "International Business Risk",
                        earlyWarning: "Major Overseas Legal Litigation Case 2",
                        type: "Amount involved (10,000 yuan)",
                        description: "-",
                        ISstatus: "Yes",
                        hasChildren: true,
                        children: [], expandTrue: false,


                    {<!-- -->
                        id: 9,
                        firstRisk: "Strategic Risk",
                        secRisk: "Technology Innovation Risk",
                        earlyWarning: "Scientific research investment 1",
                        type: "Amount (10,000 yuan)",
                        description: "-",
                        ISstatus: "Yes",
                        hasChildren: true,
                        children: [], expandTrue: false,

                    {<!-- -->
                        id: 10,
                        firstRisk: "Strategic Risk",
                        secRisk: "Technology Innovation Risk",
                        earlyWarning: "Scientific research investment 2",
                        type: "Proportion of total revenue",
                        description: "-",
                        ISstatus: "Yes",
                        hasChildren: true,
                        children: [], expandTrue: false,

                oneNameArr: [],
                oneNamePos: 0,
                twoNameArr: [],
                twoNamePos: 0,
        , mounted() {<!-- -->
        methods: {<!-- -->
            expandChange(row, expand) {<!-- -->
                console.log('row,expand----------------------', row, expand)
                row.expandTrue = expand
            load(tree, treeNode, resolve) {<!-- -->
                let obj = {<!-- -->}
                if (tree.earlyWarning == 'Domestic and foreign macroeconomics') {<!-- -->
                    obj = {<!-- -->
                        id: 11,
                        firstRisk: "Strategic Risk",
                        secRisk: "Macroeconomic Risk",
                        earlyWarning: "Domestic and foreign macroeconomics",
                        type: "domestic and foreign macroeconomics",
                        description: "-",
                        ISstatus: "Yes",
                } else if (tree.earlyWarning == 'Country and Industry') {<!-- -->
                    obj =
                    {<!-- -->
                        id: 13,
                        firstRisk: "Strategic Risk",
                        secRisk: "Policy Risk",
                        earlyWarning: "Country and Industry",
                        type: "Country and Industry",
                        description: "-",
                        ISstatus: "Yes",
                else if (tree.earlyWarning == 'Number of subsidiaries affected by tariff policy (number)') {<!-- -->
                    obj =
                    {<!-- -->
                        id: 14,
                        firstRisk: "Strategic Risk",
                        secRisk: "International Business Risk",
                            "Number of subsidiaries affected by tariff policy (number)",
                        type: "Number of subsidiaries affected by tariff policy (number)",
                        description: "-",
                        ISstatus: "Yes",
                } else if (tree.earlyWarning == 'Total overseas assets in overseas medium and high risk areas 1') {<!-- -->
                    obj =
                    {<!-- -->
                        id: 15,
                        firstRisk: "Strategic Risk",
                        secRisk: "International Business Risk",
                        earlyWarning: "Total overseas assets in overseas medium and high risk areas 1",
                        type: "Amount (10,000 yuan)",
                        description: "-",
                        ISstatus: "Yes",
                } else if (tree.earlyWarning == 'Total overseas assets in overseas medium and high risk areas 2') {<!-- -->
                    obj =
                    {<!-- -->
                        id: 16,
                        firstRisk: "Strategic Risk",
                        secRisk: "International Business Risk",
                        earlyWarning: "Total overseas assets in overseas medium and high risk areas 2",
                        type: "Proportion of total amount",
                        description: "-",
                        ISstatus: "Yes",
                } else if (tree.earlyWarning == 'Number of items overdue (number)') {<!-- -->
                    obj =
                    {<!-- -->
                        id: 17,
                        firstRisk: "Strategic Risk",
                        secRisk: "International Business Risk",
                        earlyWarning: "Overdue number of projects (number)",
                        type: "Overdue quantity of projects (units)",
                        description: "-",
                        ISstatus: "Yes",
                } else if (tree.earlyWarning == 'Major Overseas Legal Litigation Case 1') {<!-- -->
                    obj =
                    {<!-- -->
                        id: 18,
                        firstRisk: "Strategic Risk",
                        secRisk: "International Business Risk",
                        earlyWarning: "Major Overseas Legal Litigation Case 1",
                        type: "Quantity (pieces)",
                        description: "-",
                        ISstatus: "Yes",
                } else if (tree.earlyWarning == 'Major Overseas Legal Litigation Case 2') {<!-- -->
                    obj =
                    {<!-- -->
                        id: 19,
                        firstRisk: "Strategic Risk",
                        secRisk: "International Business Risk",
                        earlyWarning: "Major Overseas Legal Litigation Case 2",
                        type: "Amount involved (10,000 yuan)",
                        description: "-",
                        ISstatus: "Yes",
                } else if (tree.earlyWarning == 'Scientific research investment 1') {<!-- -->
                    obj =
                    {<!-- -->
                        id: 20,
                        firstRisk: "Strategic Risk",
                        secRisk: "Technology Innovation Risk",
                        earlyWarning: "Scientific research investment 1",
                        type: "Amount (10,000 yuan)",
                        description: "-",
                        ISstatus: "Yes",
                let list = []
                if (Object.keys(obj).length > 0) {<!-- -->
                    list = [obj]
                } else {<!-- -->
                    list = []

                tree.children = [...list]
            //hide header
            handerMethod({<!-- --> rowIndex }) {<!-- -->
                // background: 'rgb(242, 242, 242)';
                if (rowIndex === 1) {<!-- -->
                    //Here, in order to hide the header of the second column, the effect of merging headers is formed.
                    return {<!-- --> display: "none" };
                } else {<!-- -->
                    return {<!-- --> background: "rgb(242, 242, 242)" };
// tree-》list
            flatten(arr){<!-- -->
              let _this=this
              return [].concat(...arr.map(item =>{<!-- -->
                if(item.expandTrue & amp; & amp; item.children & amp; & amp;item.children.length > 0){<!-- -->
                  let arr =[].concat(item,..._this.flatten(item.children))
                  delete item.children
                  return arr
                return [].concat(item)
            // Sort the data in tableData
            endtable(ids,list,tableData){<!-- -->
              let _this = this
              tableData.forEach((item)=>{<!-- -->
                let idIndex=ids.indexOf(item.id)
                delete item.indexxxx
                if(idIndex >-1){<!-- -->
                  item.indexxxx = list[idIndex].indexxxx
                if(item.children & amp; & amp;item.children.length>0){<!-- -->
            mergeInit() {<!-- -->
                this.oneNameArr = [];
                this.oneNamePos = 0;
                this.twoNameArr = [];
                this.twoNamePos = 0;
            merge() {<!-- -->
let tableData1 =JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.tableData));
                // Flatten the obtained data
                let list = this.flatten(tableData1);
                // Sort the displayed data. The field is indexxxx, which is used to merge cells (repeated merging of cells will cause exceptions, so it is solved in this way)
                let num = 0;
                for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i + = 1) {<!-- -->
                  list[i].indexxxx = num;
                  num + + ;
                // Sort the displayed data, the field is indexxxx
                let ids = list.map((item)=>{<!-- -->return item.id})
                console.log('list', list)
                let tableList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(list))

                for (let i = 0; i < tableList.length; i + = 1) {<!-- -->
                    console.log('tableList', tableList)
                    if (i === 0) {<!-- -->
                        // The first line must exist
                        this.oneNamePos = 0;
                        this.twoNamePos = 0;
                    } else {<!-- -->
                        // Determine whether the current element is the same as the previous element, eg: this.oneNamePos is the this.oneNameArr serial number
                        // first row
                        if (tableList[i].firstRisk === tableList[i - 1].firstRisk) {<!-- -->
                            this.oneNameArr[this.oneNamePos] + = 1;
                        } else {<!-- -->
                            this.oneNamePos = i;
                        // The second column
                        if (
                            tableList[i].secRisk === tableList[i - 1].secRisk & amp; & amp;
                            tableList[i].firstRisk === tableList[i - 1].firstRisk
                        ) {<!-- -->
                            this.twoNameArr[this.twoNamePos] + = 1;
                        } else {<!-- -->
                            this.twoNamePos = i;

            objectSpanMethod({<!-- --> row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) {<!-- -->
                // if (columnIndex === 0) { // Used to set the column to be merged
                // if (rowIndex % 2 === 0) { // Used to set the row number where the merge starts
                // return {<!-- -->
                // rowspan: 2, // Number of merged rows
                // colspan: 1, // The number of merged columns, if set to 0, it will not be displayed directly.
                // };
                // }
                // return {<!-- -->
                // rowspan: 0,
                // colspan: 0,
                // };
                // }
                // this.tableData[i].children[j].indexxxx=pppp
                console.log("dsagvds", row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex);
                if (columnIndex === 0) {<!-- -->
                    //Merge method for the first column
                    const row1 = this.oneNameArr[row.indexxxx];
                    const col1 = row1 > 0 ? 1 : 0; // If row = 0; is merged, this column needs to be cancelled.
                    return {<!-- -->
                        rowspan: row1,
                        colspan: col1,
                } else if (columnIndex === 1) {<!-- -->
                    //Merge method for the second column
                    const row2 = this.twoNameArr[row.indexxxx];
                    const col2 = row2 > 0 ? 1 : 0; // If row = 0; is merged, this column needs to be cancelled.
                    return {<!-- -->
                        rowspan: row2,
                        colspan: col2,

