Selenium+JQuery positioning method and application

Selenium + JQuery positioning method and application

  • 1 JQuery positioning instructions
    • 1.1 JQuery positioning method
    • 1.2 The three most commonly used operations in JQuery
    • 1.3 JQuery an example
      • 1.3.1 Username input box
      • 1.3.2 Password input box
      • 1.3.3 Login button
      • 1.3.4 Complete code
  • 2 JQuery selectors
    • 2.1 List of commonly used selectors
    • 2.2 Thinking

1. Selenium provides many element positioning methods, so I won’t go into details here. This article mainly studies and understands the positioning of JQuery;
2. Then why do we need to use JQuery for positioning? Because some pages cannot be solved using the Selenium method, you can try to use JQuery positioning.

1 JQuery positioning description

1.1 JQuery positioning method

  • There are two positioning methods for JQuery:
# 1. Use JQuery selector to complete element operation (get the corresponding element directly);
# 2. Use JQuery traversal to select elements (for obtaining page elements with more complex levels).
  • JQuery syntax:
  • JQuery is defined through the $ symbol. selector is mainly used to obtain basic HTML elements. action() Used to implement basic operations on obtaining elements.

1.2 The three most commonly used operations of JQuery

  • $(selector).val("input_value"): input_value is the input text information;
  • $(selector).val(""): Clear the input content;
  • $(selector).click(): Click operation.

1.3 An example of JQuery

  • The test object is the login interface of ZenTao:

1.3.1 User name input box

  • Page source code:
<input class="form-control" type="text" name="account" id="account" autocomplete="off" autofocus="">
  • Enter $("input") in the console and you can see 3 contents. When the mouse is placed on the first one, we find that it is the input box for the user name, as follows:
  • Then the selector indicating the user name is: $("input:first")

1.3.2 Password input box

  • Page source code:
<input class="form-control" type="password" name="password" autocomplete="off">
  • In the same way, the password selector is: $(":password");

1.3.3 Login button

  • Page source code:
<button type="submit" id="submit" class="btn btn-primary" data-loading="Wait...">Log in</button>
  • When the selector is: $(":button"), two buttons are displayed, the second of which is the login button:
  • Then the selector of the login button is: $(":button")[1]:

1.3.4 complete code

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author: Chong Wuya
# Date: 2023/11/13
# File name:
# Function: JQuery positioning
# Contact: VX(NoamaNelson)
# Blog:

from selenium import webdriver
import time

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

user_name = "$('input:first').val('admin')"

pass_wd = "$(':password').val('ZenTao123456')"

login_but = "$(':button')[1].click()"


2 JQuery selector

2.1 List of commonly used selectors

elements elements
Selector Example Description
* $("*") All elements
#id $("#name") id=" element of name
.class $(".xxxx" ) All elements of class="xxxx"
element $("p") All


.class.class $(".name.zhang" ) All elements with class="name" and class="zhang"
:first $(“p:first”) First


:last $("p:last") Last


:even $("tr:even") All even

:odd $("tr:odd") All odd

:eq(index) $("ul li:eq(2)") The third element in the list (index starts from 0)
:gt(no) $("ul li:gt(2)") List elements with index greater than 2
:lt(no) $("ul li:lt(2)") List elements with index less than 2
:not(selector) $("input:not(:empty)") All input elements that are not empty
:header $(":header") All headers Elements
:animated All animated elements
:contains(text) $(":contains('xxxx')") Contains all elements of the specified string xxxx
:empty $(":empty") All elements without child (element) nodes
:hidden $("p:hidden") All hidden


:visible $("table:visible") code> All visible tables
s1,s2,s3 $ ("th,td,.intro") All elements with matching selections
[attribute] $("[href]") All elements with the href attribute
[attribute=value] $("[href='#']" ) All elements whose href attribute has a value equal to "#"
[attribute!=value] $("[href!='#']") All elements whose href attribute value is not equal to "#"
: input $(":input") All elements
:text $(":text") All elements with type="text"
:password $(":password") All type="password" input> element
:radio $(":radio") All elements of type="radio"
:checkbox $(":checkbox") Alltype="checkbox "‘s element
:submit $(":submit") All elements of type="submit" td>
:reset $(":reset") All elements with type="reset"
:button $(":button") All type="button" element
:image $(":image") All elements of type="image"
:file $(":file") Alltype="file "‘s element
:enabled $(":enabled") All activated input elements
:disabled $(":disabled") All disabled input elements td>
:selected $(":selected") All selected input elements
:checked $(\ ":checked") All selected input elements

2.2 Thinking

  • Following the previous example, after logging in to the ZenTao system, click [Project] on the left: $(a[data-app='project']).click():
  • Click [Create Project] in the upper right corner: $([href='/zentao/project-createGuide-0.html']:first):
  • Click [Waterfall] mode:
  • It seems that I cannot enter the interface to create a project:
  • The code here is omitted, you can try it yourself.