C++ double to string

#include "iomanip"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

bool to_int(double value,int & amp; res){
    //If the result is min_int/max_int, there is a high probability that the value exceeds the limit, unless the value is exactly equal to 2147483647/-2147483648
    return (res > -2147483648 & amp; & amp; res < 2147483647);

string double_to_string(double value,int decimal,bool append_zero) {
    //append_zero: Add 0 if there are insufficient digits
    // decimal Number of decimal places
// return to_string(value);//can only go to the sixth position
    //First determine the integer part
    bool neg = value<0;
        value *=-1;

    string full_str;

    int full_value;
        full_str= to_string(full_value);
        return "ErrorBigValue";//error, value is too big
    double fraction = value - full_value;
    int dec_avail = 16-(int)full_str.size();//16, the remaining precision of the double is the 16-int part (at least 1), which is rounded off. The excess number is not guaranteed to be correct.
    int decimal_rest = min(dec_avail,decimal); // Remaining available
    string fraction_str;
    if(decimal_rest>0) {
            stringstream ss;
            ss << std::setprecision(decimal_rest) << fraction;
            fraction_str = ss.str();
        else if(append_zero)

    if(append_zero & amp; & amp; !fraction_str.empty() & amp; & amp; decimal>int(fraction_str.size()-2))
        decimal -= (int)fraction_str.size() - 2;//The number of 0s to be added, remove 0 and .
                fraction_str + = "0";
    return string(neg?"-":"") + full_str + string(fraction_str.empty()?"":fraction_str.substr(1,fraction_str.size()));

int main(){

    double time1 = 1234567890.123456789123456789;// 1234567890.123457, subsequent rounding
    double time2 = -1234567890.123456789123456789;//-1234567890.123457, subsequent rounding
    double time3 = 0.123456789012345678;// 0.123456789012346, subsequent rounding
    double time4 = -0.123456789012345678;//-0.123456789012346, subsequent rounding
    double time5 = 12345678901234567895;//The number is too big
    double time6 = 1234567890.123456789;//1234567890.123457, subsequent rounding
    double time7 = -1434567892.123456789;//-1434567892.123457, subsequent rounding

    double time8 = -12.1;//
    double time9 = 13;//

    cout<<"time1: 20 append zero: " <<std::setprecision(30) <<double_to_string(time1,20,true)<<endl;
    cout<<"time1: 20 without append zero: " <<std::setprecision(30) <<double_to_string(time1,20,false)<<endl;
    cout<<"time1: 5 without append zero: " <<std::setprecision(30) <<double_to_string(time1,5,false)<<endl;
    cout<<"time1: 20 append zero: " <<std::setprecision(30) <<double_to_string(time2,20,true)<<endl;
    cout<<"time2: 20 without append zero: " <<std::setprecision(30) <<double_to_string(time2,20,false)<<endl;
    cout<<"time3: 20 append zero: " <<std::setprecision(30) <<double_to_string(time3,20,true)<<endl;
    cout<<"time3: 20 without append zero: " <<std::setprecision(30) <<double_to_string(time3,20,false)<<endl;
    cout<<"time4: 20 append zero: " <<std::setprecision(30) <<double_to_string(time4,20,true)<<endl;
    cout<<"time4: 20 without append zero: " <<std::setprecision(30) <<double_to_string(time4,20,false)<<endl;

    cout<<"time5: 20 append zero: " <<std::setprecision(30) <<double_to_string(time5,20,true)<<endl;

    cout<<"time6: 20 append zero: " <<std::setprecision(30) <<double_to_string(time6,20,true)<<endl;
    cout<<"time6: 20 without append zero: " <<std::setprecision(30) <<double_to_string(time6,20,false)<<endl;
    cout<<"time7: 20 append zero: " <<std::setprecision(30) <<double_to_string(time7,20,true)<<endl;
    cout<<"time7: 20 without append zero: " <<std::setprecision(30) <<double_to_string(time7,20,false)<<endl;

    cout<<"time8: 0 without append zero: " <<std::setprecision(30) <<double_to_string(time8,0,true)<<endl;
    cout<<"time8: 0 without append zero: " <<std::setprecision(30) <<double_to_string(time8,0, false)<<endl;
    cout<<"time8: 0 without append zero: " <<std::setprecision(30) <<double_to_string(time8,2,true)<<endl;
    cout<<"time8: 0 without append zero: " <<std::setprecision(30) <<double_to_string(time8,2,false)<<endl;

    cout<<"time9: 0 without append zero: " <<std::setprecision(30) <<double_to_string(time9,0,true)<<endl;
    cout<<"time9: 0 without append zero: " <<std::setprecision(30) <<double_to_string(time9,0, false)<<endl;
    cout<<"time9: 0 without append zero: " <<std::setprecision(30) <<double_to_string(time9,2,true)<<endl;
    cout<<"time9: 0 without append zero: " <<std::setprecision(30) <<double_to_string(time9,2,false)<<endl;

    return 0;

time1: 20 append zero: 1234567890.12345700000000000000
time1: 20 without append zero: 1234567890.123457
time1: 5 without append zero: 1234567890.12346
time1: 20 append zero: -1234567890.12345700000000000000
time2: 20 without append zero: -1234567890.123457
time3: 20 append zero: 0.12345678901234600000
time3: 20 without append zero: 0.123456789012346
time4: 20 append zero: -0.12345678901234600000
time4: 20 without append zero: -0.123456789012346
time5: 20 append zero: ErrorBigValue
time6: 20 append zero: 1234567890.12345700000000000000
time6: 20 without append zero: 1234567890.123457
time7: 20 append zero: -1434567892.12345700000000000000
time7: 20 without append zero: -1434567892.123457
time8: 0 without append zero: -12
time8: 0 without append zero: -12
time8: 0 without append zero: -12.10
time8: 0 without append zero: -12.1
time9: 0 without append zero: 13
time9: 0 without append zero: 13
time9: 0 without append zero: 13.00
time9: 0 without append zero: 13