Solve TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for %: NoneType and dict

Table of Contents

Solve TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for %: ‘NoneType’ and ‘dict’

wrong reason


1. Check whether the operand is None

2. Use the format method of string to format

3. Use f-string for formatting

in conclusion

dict type

Create dictionary

Access elements in a dictionary

Modify elements in dictionary

None type

Features of None

Use None

Solving TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for %: ‘NoneType’ and ‘dict’

During the development process of Python, we may encounter various errors. Among them, ??TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'NoneType' and 'dict'?? is a common error, which means that we are trying to incompatible Perform formatting operations on the data type.

Error reason

This error usually occurs when we use the string’s ??%?? operator to format, one of the operands is of type ??None??, and the other is of type ??None?? The operand is of type ??dict??. In Python, it is a common method to use the ??%?? operator to format strings. For example, we can use the ??%?? operator to insert the value of a variable into a placeholder in a string. However, when one of the operands is of type ??None??, a ??TypeError?? error is raised.


To resolve this error, we need to ensure that the data types of the operands are compatible when formatting the string. Here are some ways to resolve this error:

1. Check whether the operand is ??None??

You can use conditional statements to check whether the operand is ??None?? and process it as needed. For example, we can choose to skip the formatting operation, or convert ??None?? to an appropriate value.

pythonCopy codedata = None # When an operand is None
if data is not None:
    result = "Data: %s" % data
    result = "Data is not available."

2. Use the ??format?? method of the string for formatting

Another workaround is to format using the string’s format method, which avoids TypeError errors.

pythonCopy codedata = None # When an operand is None
result = "Data: {}".format(data)

3. Use f-string for formatting

If you are using Python 3.6 or higher, you can use f-string for string formatting. f-string is a convenient and readable way to format strings without raising a TypeError when handling None types. mistake.

pythonCopy codedata = None # When an operand is None
result = f"Data: {data}"


??TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'NoneType' and 'dict'??Error usually occurs when we try to string format an incompatible data type during operation. To solve this error, we can check whether the operand is ??None??, or choose to use other methods to format the string, such as ??format?? method or f-string. By correctly handling data type incompatibility, we can avoid this error and ensure the stability and accuracy of the program.

In practical applications, we can give a simple example, assuming that we are writing an order confirmation module for an e-commerce website. During the order confirmation process, we need to generate a prompt message containing the order details.

pythonCopy codeorder = None # Assume that the order information is None
if order is not None:
    message = "Order confirmation: order number: %s, order amount: %s yuan" % (order["order_number"], order["amount"])
    message = "The order is temporarily unavailable, please try again later."

In the above example, we first check whether the order information is ??None??. If the order information is not empty, we use the ??%?? operator to format the string and insert the order number and amount into the prompt information. If the order information is empty, we set the prompt information to “The order is temporarily unavailable, please try again later.”. Finally, we print out the generated prompt message. Through this simple example, we can see how to deal with the ??TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'NoneType' and 'dict'?? error, combined with the actual situation Generate appropriate prompt messages. When the order information is ??None??, we choose to skip the formatting operation and give a corresponding prompt. This ensures that our code does not throw errors when encountering incompatible data types and provides friendly user feedback.

dict type

In Python, ??dict?? (dictionary) is an unordered, mutable collection that can store any type of data. Dictionaries store data in the form of key-value pairs, where each key and value are separated by a colon (:), and key-value pairs are separated by a comma (,). Dictionary keys must be unique, while values can be any type of data.

Create Dictionary

You can create a dictionary using curly braces ({}) and colons (:), and separate key-value pairs with commas (,). For example:

pythonCopy codeperson = {"name": "John", "age": 25, "city": "New York"}

The above code creates a dictionary named ??person??, which contains three key-value pairs, namely “name”, “age” and “city”. The value corresponding to the “name” key is “John”, the value corresponding to the “age” key is 25, and the value corresponding to the “city” key is “New York”.

Access elements in the dictionary

Elements in a dictionary can be accessed by key. For example, to access the value corresponding to the “name” key in the ??person?? dictionary, you can use the following code:

pythonCopy codename = person["name"]

The above code assigns the value of ??person["name"]?? to the variable ??name??, that is, the corresponding value of the “name” key is obtained value.

Modify elements in dictionary

Elements in the dictionary can be modified by key. For example, to modify the value corresponding to the “age” key in the ??person?? dictionary to 30, you can use the following code:

pythonCopy codeperson["age"] = 30

The above code sets the value of ??person["age"]?? to 30, that is, the value corresponding to the “age” key is modified.

None type

In Python, ??None?? represents a special null value. It is a keyword typically used to represent a missing, empty, non-existent, or undefined value.

Characteristics of None

  • ??None?? is a unique object and cannot be compared with any other object (except ??None?? itself).
  • ??None??has no properties or methods because it is a null object.
  • ??None?? is regarded as ??False?? in conditional statements, and is often used to check whether a variable exists in logical judgments.

Use None

In actual coding, ??None?? can be used in many situations, such as:

  • Indicates that the function has no return value, or the return value of the function is empty.
  • Indicates that the variable has not been assigned a value.
  • Compares to other values to determine if they are empty.
pythonCopy code# function has no return value
def function_without_return():
    print("This function does not return anything.")
result = function_without_return()
print(result) # Output None
# The variable is not assigned a value
print(value) # Output None
# Check whether the comparison value is empty
if data is None:
    print("Data is empty.")

By using ??None??, we can explicitly handle the case where the variable is empty, providing better code readability and program stability.

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