FlinkTransformation operator

After the data source reads the data, we can use various conversion operators to convert one or more DataStreams into new DataStreams. After the data source enters, we can convert the data source into the data format we need according to a series of transformation operators, and then output it. Basic conversion operators (map/ filter/ […]

k8s resource management operation-declarative management method

Table of Contents Declarative resource management approach 1. Commonly used kubernetes management commands 1) Check version information 2) View the resource object abbreviation 3) View cluster information 4) Configure kubectl automatic completion 5) Node node view logs 2. Resource management commands 1) Create resources 2) View resources 3) Delete resources 4) Enter the container in […]

AI singer, debuted in C position, implements audio singing synthesis operation based on PaddleHub/Diffsinger (Python3.10)

Music professionals who understand music theory can express their musical creativity and ideas by writing music scores and playing musical instruments. However, if amateurs who do not know music music also want to play music across the border, the threshold is a bit high. However, with the rapid iteration of artificial intelligence technology, anyone can […]

MATLAB connects to the MYSQL database and performs addition and deletion operations

I recently built an experiment management system. The new UI interface of matlab is relatively interactive and user-friendly. I am new to mysql and have never touched a database before, so I will make a record. 1. Environment installation 1. Make sure that matlab has database toolbox installed, which can be queried through the ver […]

Hbase java api operation

1. Table exists package org.example; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Admin; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Connection; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ConnectionFactory; import java.io.IOException; public class TestDemo { public static Connection connection=null; public static Admin admin=null; static { try { Configuration configuration = HBaseConfiguration.create(); configuration.set(“hbase.rootdir”, “hdfs://”); configuration.set(“hbase.zookeeper.quorum”,”hadooplyf316″); connection= ConnectionFactory.createConnection(configuration); admin = connection.getAdmin(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } […]

[Operating system principle]–Thread synchronization

Directory of series articles [Operating system principle]–Process management [Operating System Principle]–Process Scheduling [Operating system principle]–Thread synchronization [Operating system principle]–Semaphore and PV operation implementation [Operating system principle]–Linux memory management [Operating system principle]–File system programming Thread synchronization Table of Contents of Series Articles Experiment related knowledge 1. Processes and threads 2. Thread synchronization 3.Multi-threading 4. Thread related […]

Nodejs operation cache database-Redis

Hi I’m Shendi Nodejs column Nodejs operation cache database-Redis In server-side development, cache database is also indispensable, which can improve program concurrency and facilitate subsequent expansion. Currently, the most commonly used one is Redis. Install dependencies Like the previous mysql, the most commonly used dependency of redis is redis npm install redis Depend on the […]

Java parses OWL ontology for addition and deletion operations

First configure the path of the operation ontology (match your own path): //The name of the owl file changes as the owl file changes. String metaName = “newmeta_11.owl”; //The IRI of the owl file changes as the owl file changes. String ontologyIRI = “http://www.semanticweb.org/asus/ontologies/2022/6/untitled-ontology-23”; /** * Try to load the metadata file, try to find […]

Synchronization experiment of operating system processes

1. Experimental purpose (1) Master the basic concepts and properties of processes and threads; (2) Implement multi-threaded ticketing: simulate multiple ticketing windows (there are 2 windows here), and each window can sell tickets at the same time. Through multi-threading, ticketing operations can be performed concurrently to ensure thread safety; (3) Provide user interface: Create a […]