k8s resource management operation-declarative management method

Table of Contents Declarative resource management approach 1. Commonly used kubernetes management commands 1) Check version information 2) View the resource object abbreviation 3) View cluster information 4) Configure kubectl automatic completion 5) Node node view logs 2. Resource management commands 1) Create resources 2) View resources 3) Delete resources 4) Enter the container in […]

kubectl declarative resource management commands

Table of Contents 1. Introduction to declarative resource management: 2. Declarative related commands: 1. Grammar format: 2. View the resource configuration list: 3. Explain the resource configuration list: 4. Modify the resource configuration list and apply: 4.1 Offline modification: 4.2 Online modification: 5. Delete the resource configuration list: 3. Detailed explanation of yaml file: 1. […]

03-Sping transaction implementation: XML-based implementation of declarative transactions

XML implementation of declarative transactions Development steps Step 1: Introduce AOP-related aspectj dependencies <!–aspectj dependency–> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-aspects</artifactId> <version>6.0.0-M2</version> </dependency> Step 2: Write the dao layer interface and its implementation class public interface AccountDao {<!– –> // Check the balance based on the account number Account selectByActno(String actno); //Update account information int update(Account act); } […]

01-The implementation of transactions in Spring: programmatic transactions and declarative transactions

Abnormal bank account transfer Requirement: To transfer 10,000 from act-001 account to act-002 account, it is required that one of the balances of the two accounts is successfully reduced and the other is added successfully, that is, the two update statements executed must succeed or fail at the same time Implementation steps Step 1: Introduce […]

Kubernetes resource management-declarative

Introduction to yaml and json Yuml language introduction YAML is a markup language similar to XML and JSON. It emphasizes data as the center and does not focus on markup language. The definition of YAML itself is relatively simple. Known as “a humanized data format language”. The syntax of YAML is relatively simple, mainly including […]

Kubernetes resource management-declarative

Introduction to resource management Resource management concepts In kubernetes, all content is abstracted into resources, and users need to manage kubernetes by operating resources. The essence of kubernetes is a cluster system. Users can deploy various services in the cluster. The starting point is to run each container in the kubernetes cluster and run the […]

Kubernetes·Declarative & Declarative Resource Management

Table of Contents Description of k8s resource management method Declarative resource management approach Declarative resource management approach GUI-style resource management method Instructions for the kubectl command line tool View version information View resource object abbreviation View cluster information Configure kubectl auto-completion Node node view log View k8s basic information View master node status View namespace […]

[k8s] Resource management commands-declarative

1. Introduction to yaml and json 1. Yuml language introduction YAML is a markup language similar to XML and JSON. It emphasizes data as the center and does not focus on markup language. The definition of YAML itself is relatively simple. Known as “a humanized data format language”. The syntax of YAML is relatively simple, […]

k8s declarative resource management method

1. The only entry point for kubernetes cluster management cluster resources is to call the apiserver interface through the corresponding method. 2.kubectl is the official CLI command line tool. It is used to communicate with apiserver. It organizes and converts the commands entered by users on the command line into information that apiserver can recognize, […]

k8s canary release and declarative management

Table of Contents 1. Canary release 1.1. Overview: 1.2. Experiment 1.2.1. You need to determine the version first 2. Declarative yaml file 2.1. Theory: 2.2. YAML syntax format: 2.3. Detailed explanation of ports in k8s 2.4. kubectl run –dry-run=client prints the corresponding API object without creating it 2.5. View the generated yaml format 2.6. View […]