Transactions and locking mechanisms in Redis

Transaction and lock mechanism in Redis Redis’s transaction mechanism is a mechanism that packages multiple commands for execution, ensuring that all of these commands either execute successfully or fail without any intermediate status. In Redis, transactions are implemented through four commands: MULTI, EXEC, DISCARD and WATCH. MULTI: This command marks the beginning of a transaction. […]

Spring transaction AOP causes transaction failure problem

Situation Description First, AOP was enabled, and transactions were enabled at the same time. The TransactionAspect below is a simple AOP aspect with an Around notification. @Aspect @Component public class TransactionAspect {<!– –> @Pointcut(“execution(**(..))”) // the pointcut expression private void transactionLogInfo() {<!– –>} // the pointcut signature /** *Title: around<br> * Description: This Around […]

Spring transaction @EnableTransactionManagement

Foreword @EnableTransactionManagement is an annotation provided by the Spring framework to enable annotation-based transaction management. By using this annotation, you can enable Spring’s automatic management of transactions, allowing you to use the @Transactional annotation on methods to declare transactions. @EnableTransactionManagement mainly has the following two attributes: mode (default is AdviceMode.PROXY): Specifies the mode of the […]

Solve javax.persistence.RollbackException: Transaction marked as rollbackOnly Ask

Table of Contents Solve javax.persistence.RollbackException: Transaction marked as rollbackOnly Ask Abnormal 1. Apply logic 2. Persistence context issues 3. Restraint violations Approach 1. Check application logic 2. Review persistence context management 3. Check for constraint violations 4. Exception handling and logging 5. Reference documentation and community support in conclusion Resolving javax.persistence.RollbackException: Transaction marked as rollbackOnly […]

How to optimize large transactions in the interface?

1Foreword As back-end development programmers, we often have some relatively complex logic. For example, we need to write a calling interface for the front end. This interface needs to perform relatively complex business logic operations, such as query and remote interface. Or some logic such as local interface call, update, insertion, calculation, etc., the final […]

An explanation of transaction isolation and other concurrent transactions in MySQL database

In MySQL, the transaction isolation level defines the situation in which a transaction and other concurrent transactions can see each other’s changed data. The SQL standard specifies four isolation levels, as follows: Serialization (SERIALIZABLE): Transactions are executed serially, that is, each transaction must wait for the end of the previous transaction before starting execution. This […]

Handling simple transactions in Spring Boot

Speaking of transactions, our first impact should be an important concept of database management systems. Transaction is a concept in a database management system (DBMS) that is used to manage a set of operations on the database. These operations are either all executed successfully or all are rolled back (undone). A transaction usually consists of […]

SSH Spring transaction management

The transaction configuration in the Spring configuration file always consists of three components, namely DataSource, TransactionManager and proxy mechanism. No matter which configuration method is used, generally only the proxy mechanism changes. The two parts of DataSource and TransactionManager will only change according to the data access method. For example, when using Hibernate for data […]