Solve javax.persistence.RollbackException: Transaction marked as rollbackOnly Ask

Table of Contents

Solve javax.persistence.RollbackException: Transaction marked as rollbackOnly Ask


1. Apply logic

2. Persistence context issues

3. Restraint violations


1. Check application logic

2. Review persistence context management

3. Check for constraint violations

4. Exception handling and logging

5. Reference documentation and community support

in conclusion

Resolving javax.persistence.RollbackException: Transaction marked as rollbackOnly Ask

In Java enterprise applications that use Java Persistence API (JPA) for object-relational mapping (ORM), we often encounter ??javax.persistence.RollbackException?? exception, with the error message “Transaction marked as rollbackOnly”. This exception indicates that the transaction is marked as rollback-only and cannot be committed, and all changes made within the transaction will be rolled back. This blog will explore the possible causes of this exception and provide some suggestions for solving it.

Exception reason

There are several possible reasons why a transaction may be marked as rollback-only:

1. Application logic

The most common reason is that application logic explicitly marks the transaction as rollback-only. This can be done by calling the ??setRollbackOnly()?? method in the ??javax.transaction.UserTransaction?? interface or using ??@ApplicationException(rollback = true )?? annotation to achieve.

2. Persistence context issues

The persistence context may be in an inconsistent state, triggering the transaction to be marked as rollback-only. This may be caused by conflicts between concurrent transactions or improper management of the persistence context.

3. Constraint Violation

If a constraint violation occurs during a transaction, such as a violation of a primary key or unique key constraint, the transaction will be marked as rollback-only.

Processing method

When you encounter a ??javax.persistence.RollbackException?? exception with the error message “Transaction marked as rollbackOnly”, you can take the following steps to handle the exception:

1. Check application logic

Check the application logic to see if any part of the code explicitly marks the transaction as rollback-only. Look for ??setRollbackOnly()?? method calls or exceptions annotated with ??@ApplicationException(rollback = true)?? If any issues are found, review the relevant logic and make necessary adjustments.

2. Review persistence context management

Ensure persistence context is properly managed in the application. Ensure that entity manager instances are opened and closed correctly and handle possible concurrent access issues.

3. Check for constraint violations

Check the data model and database constraints to ensure they are correct and properly enforced. If any constraint violations exist, they should be fixed accordingly.

4. Exception handling and logging

Implement appropriate exception handling and logging mechanisms in your application. Catch the ??javax.persistence.RollbackException?? exception and log the relevant information for debugging. This will help determine the root cause of the anomaly and resolve the issue effectively.

5. Reference documentation and community support

If you still cannot resolve the issue, please refer to the documentation and community forums relevant to your application server or JPA implementation. The cause of the exception may be implementation-specific, and you may find relevant insight or workarounds in the community.


??javax.persistence.RollbackException?? exception, the error message is “Transaction marked as rollbackOnly”, will appear in Java enterprise applications using JPA. It means that the transaction is marked as rollback only, not commit. You can effectively handle and resolve this exception by checking your application logic, persistence context management, and handling constraint violations. Remember to implement appropriate exception handling and logging mechanisms to aid debugging. I hope this blog post has given you insights into resolving the ??javax.persistence.RollbackException?? exception. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

When encountering the ??javax.persistence.RollbackException: Transaction marked as rollbackOnly? exception, we can combine an actual application scenario and give a sample code to demonstrate how to handle the exception. Suppose we have a simple student information management system that uses JPA for database access. Student information is represented by the entity class ?Student?, and the code of the data access layer is implemented in the ??StudentDao?? class.

javaCopy codepublic class StudentDao {
    private EntityManager entityManager;
    public void saveStudent(Student student) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to save student", e);

In the above example code, we are saving the student object into the database. If an exception occurs, we catch it and throw a runtime exception. Now, suppose a constraint violation occurs while processing student information, such as a duplicate student number. This will trigger the transaction to be marked as rollback-only. In order to handle this situation, we can add appropriate exception handling logic to the above code and use logging to record exception information.

javaCopy codeimport javax.persistence.RollbackException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class StudentDao {
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StudentDao.class);
    private EntityManager entityManager;
    public void saveStudent(Student student) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (e instanceof RollbackException) {
                logger.error("Transaction marked as rollbackOnly", e);
                //Other processing logic...
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Failed to save student", e);

In the above modified code, we first determine whether the caught exception is ??RollbackException??. If so, we use logging tools to record the exception information. In addition, you can also add other processing logic according to actual needs, such as rolling back transactions or notification-related business logic. This sample code shows how to handle the ??javax.persistence.RollbackException?? exception based on actual application scenarios. By adding appropriate exception handling and logging mechanisms, we can help us identify and resolve issues that cause transactions to be marked as rollback-only and provide better error information for debugging and troubleshooting.

Object-relational mapping (ORM) is a programming technique used to map objects in a program to tables in a relational database. Its main purpose is to simplify the process of database access and data persistence, allowing developers to focus on data storage and retrieval on objects without paying attention to the underlying database details. ORM converts objects into records in the database and converts records in the database back into objects by establishing a mapping relationship between the object model and the database model. In this way, developers can use an object-oriented approach to manipulate data without writing a large number of SQL statements. The ORM framework is responsible for handling the details of database operations such as conversion between objects and databases, database access, and transaction management. The working principle of ORM usually includes the following steps:

  1. Establish the mapping relationship between the object model and the database model: Developers use annotations, configuration files, or code to describe the mapping relationship between objects and tables. These mapping relationships include the correspondence between object attributes and fields, the definition of primary keys and foreign keys, the establishment of associations, etc.
  2. Create database tables: The ORM framework automatically creates corresponding database tables based on the definition of the object model. It will create corresponding database fields based on the object’s attribute type, length and other information, and create foreign key constraints taking into account the association between objects.
  3. Object to database mapping: When the program needs to save an object, the ORM framework is responsible for converting the object into the corresponding SQL statement and performing database operations. It will generate corresponding INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements based on the status of the object (new, modified, deleted), and map the attribute values to the corresponding database fields.
  4. Database to object mapping: When the program needs to retrieve data from the database, the ORM framework is responsible for executing the database query and converting the query results into the corresponding objects. It generates a SELECT statement based on the query conditions and maps the field values of the database record to the properties of the object.
  5. Database transaction management: ORM frameworks usually also provide transaction management functions to ensure that data consistency and integrity can be maintained across multiple database operations. It automatically starts transactions, commits transactions, or rolls back transactions, and handles concurrent access violations. Advantages of ORM include:
  • Simplify database operations: ORM shields the underlying details of database access, allowing developers to focus more on the implementation of business logic and reducing the complexity of writing SQL statements.
  • Improve development efficiency: ORM can reduce duplication of work and coding by automatically generating database tables, data persistence SQL statements and other functions, thereby improving development efficiency.
  • Support cross-database platforms: ORM frameworks usually support multiple database platforms, and developers can flexibly switch between different databases without modifying a large amount of code. However, ORMs also have some potential disadvantages, including:
  • Performance issues: Since the ORM needs to perform a large number of conversion operations between objects and databases, it may cause performance losses. In some cases, it may be more efficient to write SQL statements manually.
  • Learning cost: Learning and mastering a specific ORM framework may require a certain amount of time and learning cost, especially for complex relationship mapping and the use of advanced features.
  • Limited flexibility: While the ORM framework provides convenience, it also limits developers’ flexible operations on the underlying database. Some specific database operations may require the use of native SQL statements. Overall, ORM is very useful for simplifying the database access and data persistence process. However, before choosing to use an ORM framework, developers need to fully consider the needs of the project, performance requirements, and the technical background of the team to determine whether to use an ORM and choose an appropriate ORM framework.

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