Java parses OWL ontology for addition and deletion operations

First configure the path of the operation ontology (match your own path):

 //The name of the owl file changes as the owl file changes.
    String metaName = "newmeta_11.owl";
//The IRI of the owl file changes as the owl file changes.
    String ontologyIRI = "";
     * Try to load the metadata file, try to find the latest version of the metadata file, and read the owl file without restarting the project.
    public void reloadMetaFile() throws OWLOntologyCreationException, FileNotFoundException {
        String metaFile = metadataService.getLatestMetafile();

The following is the use of java code to operate OWL ontology classes:

Add ontology class Controller layer:

     * Add ontology class
     * @param className subclass name, also the ontology class to be added
     * @param parentClassName parent class name
     * @return QueryResponse
    @RequestMapping(value = "/addClass", produces = "application/json;charset=UTF-8", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public QueryResponse addClass(@RequestParam(value = "className", defaultValue = "") String className,
                                  @RequestParam(value = "parentClassName", defaultValue = "") String parentClassName) {
        return metadataEditService.addClass(className, parentClassName);

Service layer:

     * Add ontology class
     * @param className The class name to be added
     * @param parentClassName parent class name
     * @return QueryResponse
    public QueryResponse addClass(String className, String parentClassName) {
        QueryResponse response = new QueryResponse();
        JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();

        // Get the path of the owl file
        String metaPath = sysConfig.getMetadata() + "/";
        try {
            File file = new File(metaPath + metaName);
            OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager();
            //Load the file and convert it into an ontology object. At this time, ontology is the ontology that has been obtained.
            OWLOntology ontology = manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(file);
            // Get the ontology data factory
            OWLDataFactory factory = manager.getOWLDataFactory();
            // Set of axioms added to the basic statements expressed by the ontology
            Set<OWLDeclarationAxiom> axiomSet = new HashSet<>();

            List<String> classList = new ArrayList<>();
            // Get all classes
            List<OWLClass> classes = new ArrayList<>(ontology.getClassesInSignature());
            //Save the class name into the class collection
            for (OWLClass aClass : classes) {

            //Remove all spaces, including spaces in between
            String removeSpacesClassName = className.replaceAll(" ", "");
            //Use tool class to determine whether it is empty
            if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(removeSpacesClassName)) {
                // Determine whether the ontology class to be added already exists
                if (!classList.contains(removeSpacesClassName)) {
                    //Create the IRI of the new class and keep the format consistent
                    IRI classIRI = IRI.create(ontologyIRI + "#" + removeSpacesClassName);
                    if (parentClassName.isEmpty()) {
                        // If the parent class is empty, create the subclass directly
                        OWLClass name = factory.getOWLClass(classIRI);
                        //Add class
                        //Add completed
                        manager.addAxioms(ontology, axiomSet);
                        //Save the picture
                        manager.saveOntology(ontology, new TurtleDocumentFormat(), IRI.create(file.toURI()));
              "Add ontology class successfully!");
                        response.setMsg("Add ontology class successfully!");
                    } else {
                        // Get the parent class
                        OWLClass superclass = ontology.classesInSignature()
                                .filter(owlClass -> owlClass.getIRI().getRemainder().get().equals(parentClassName))

                        //Create subclass
                        OWLClass subclass = factory.getOWLClass(classIRI);

                        //Define the relationship between subclasses and parent classes
                        Set<OWLAxiom> subAndSuper = new HashSet<>();
                        subAndSuper.add(factory.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom(subclass, superclass));

                        //Add subclass and parent class relationships to the ontology
                        manager.addAxioms(ontology, axiomSet);

                    //Save the body
                    manager.saveOntology(ontology, new TurtleDocumentFormat(), IRI.create(file.toURI()));
          "Add ontology class successfully!");
                    response.setMsg("Add ontology class successfully!");
                } else {
          "This concept already exists, adding the ontology class failed!");
                    return QueryResponse.genErr("This concept already exists, adding ontology class failed!");
                //Try to load the metadata file, try to find the latest version of the metadata file, and read the owl file without restarting the project
            } else {
      "New concepts cannot be empty!");
                return QueryResponse.genErr("The new concept cannot be empty!");

        } catch (OWLOntologyCreationException | OWLOntologyStorageException | FileNotFoundException e) {
  "Failed to add ontology class!");
            return QueryResponse.genErr("Failed to add ontology class!");
        return response;

Delete the ontology class Controller layer:

     * Delete the ontology class
     * @param removeClassName The name of the ontology class to be deleted
     * @return QueryResponse
    @RequestMapping(value = "/removeClass", produces = "application/json;charset=UTF-8", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public QueryResponse removeClass(@RequestParam(value = "removeClassName", defaultValue = "") String removeClassName) {
        return metadataEditService.removeClass(removeClassName);

Service layer:

     * Delete the ontology class
     * @param removeClassName The name of the class to be deleted
     * @return QueryResponse
    public QueryResponse removeClass(String removeClassName) {
        QueryResponse response = new QueryResponse();
        JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
        //Get the path of the owl file
        String metaPath = sysConfig.getMetadata() + "/";
        try {
            OntologyHelper helper = new OntologyHelper();
            //Load file
            File file = new File(metaPath + metaName);
            OWLOntology ontology = helper.readOntology(file);
            //Our removeClassName here gives the added class name above, obtains all classes through the ontology class, traverses and gets the removeClassName class
            OWLClass aClass = ontology.classesInSignature()
                    .filter(owlClass -> owlClass.getIRI().getRemainder().get().equals(removeClassName))
            //To delete, use the OWLAxiom class
            Set<OWLAxiom> axiomsToRemove = new HashSet<OWLAxiom>();
            //Start traversing
            for (OWLAxiom ax : ontology.getAxioms()) {
                //Put it in when it is found that the class in the collection is the same as the class to be deleted
                if (ax.getSignature().contains(aClass)) {
            //Perform deletion operation
            helper.removeAxioms(ontology, axiomsToRemove);
            helper.writeOntology(ontology, file, "owl");
  "Delete ontology class successfully!");
            response.setMsg("Delete ontology class successfully!");
        } catch (OWLOntologyCreationException | OWLOntologyStorageException e) {
  "Deletion of ontology class failed!");
            return QueryResponse.genErr("Failed to delete ontology class!");
        return response;